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Business Areas


+ Industrial Certification
+ Industrial Technical Services
+ International Classification
+ Certification Services
+ Offshore engineering services
+ Inspection of ship materials and equipment (marine products)
+ Green Ship/Energy Efficiency Service
+ Approval of Service Suppliers

Mobile Offshore Units

Classification is an important means to assess the technical condition of offshore installations. Classification will directly affect the insurance premiums, prices and rents of offshore installations. China Classification Society (CCS) is a full member of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and the only professional organization in China engaged in the classification survey of ships and offshore installations. Its class notations are included in the classification clauses by the Institute of London Underwriters (ILU) and enjoy preferential treatment on premiums.

The mobile offshore units surveyed by CCS cover jack-up, semi-submersible, submersible, surface-type, and box on bottom platforms. The ship types include: ExD, GG5000, JU2000E, CJ50, Workhorse, CJ46, L780, SuperM2, DSJ300, and CP300. Until now, CCS has completed classification and statutory surveys for over 180 mobile offshore platforms.

(Semi-submersible platform, ship type: ExD, operating water depth: 3000m)

(Semi-submersible platform, ship type: GG5000, operating water depth: 1500m)

(Jack-up platform, ship type: JU2000E, operating water depth: 400feet

(Jack-up platform, ship type: DSJ300, operating water depth: 300feet