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Marine Product Testing And Testing Firms

No.Cert No.Survey DateType of Test / Test itemFirm NameFirm Address
1 2025-01-09~ 2029-01-08 1.船舶电气电子产品/Marine Electric and Electronic Products: 1.1 低压电器性能试验/Performance Test of Low Voltage Apparatus; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 1.4 可靠性试验/Reliability Test; 2.船舶锂电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包)/Marine lithium battery(Cell,Battery Module, Battery Pack): 2.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 2.2 安全性试验/ Safety Test; 2.3 环境适应性试验/Environmental Adaptability Test; 3. 航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment and Systems: 3.1 环境试验/Environmental Test; 3.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 3.3 电源试验/Power Supply Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. China Electronics Standardization Institute CESI Laboratory No.8,Tongjinanlu,Yizhuang Economic & Technological Development Area, Beijing, China
2 2024-12-23~ 2028-12-30 有害物质检测/ Tests for hazardous materials 详见附页/See additional page Suzhou FALAB Test Technology Co.,Ltd. No.99,Gangtian Road,SIP,Suzhou,Jiangsu,PRC
3 2024-12-23~ 2028-12-30 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 ) Suzhou FALAB Test Technology Co.,Ltd. No.99,Gangtian Road,SIP,Suzhou,Jiangsu,PRC
4 2024-12-30~ 2028-12-29 1.船用电气电子产品/Marine Electrical and Electronic Products 1.1 电气安全性试验/Electrical Safety Test 1.2 环境条件试验/Environment Test 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test 2.船用导航和无线电通信设备/Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment 2.1 电源试验/Power Supply Test 2.2 环境条件试验/Environment Test 2.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test 3.船用照明灯具/Marine Iumination Lights 3.1 一般安全要求与试验/General Safety Equirements and Tests 3.2 船用照明灯具及配件试验/Marine Luminaires and Ligheting Accessories Tests 3.3 性能试验/Performance Test 详见证书附页/For details, please see the additional pages. CQC North Laboratory (Shenyang) Co.,Ltd. No.99 A-27,A-30,Chuangxin First Road,Hunnan District,Shenyang,Liaoning
5 2024-12-23~ 2028-12-22 金属材料类产品/Metal material products Liaoning Zhongkelile Test Technology and Service Co., Ltd. No.13, Wensu Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R.China
6 2024-12-27~ 2028-12-21 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems: 2.1 环境试验/Environmental Test; 2.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Xi’an High Voltage Apparatus Research Institute Co.,Ltd. No.18, North Section of Xi’erhuan, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
7 2024-12-20~ 2028-12-19 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd. Room 101/201, Building A, and Room 301, Building C, Juji Industrial Park, Yabianxueziwei, Shajing Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
8 2024-12-19~ 2028-12-18 1. 金属材料类产品/Metal material products: 1.1 化学分析/Chemical analysis; 1.2 力学、物理性能/Mechanical、physical properties; 1.3 微观结构/microstructure; 1.4 耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion resistance; HUBEI H.R.D DETECTING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD 1-2 / F, Building A2, Rongke Zhigu Project Phase I, Liqiao Village, Wenhua Avenue, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
9 2024-12-05~ 2028-12-17 1.船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details, please see the additional page(s). CVC Testing Technology Co., Ltd. No.3, Tiantaiyi Road, Kaitai Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
10 2024-11-14~ 2028-11-30 1.金属材料/Metallic materials: 1.1力学性能(常温拉伸试验、常温弯曲试验、常温至-80℃冲击试验、硬度试验、宏/微观金相试验、管材的压扁和 扩口试验)/Mechanical properties (Tensile test at ambient temperature,Bend test at ambient temperature,Impact test from ambient temperature to -80℃,Hardness test,Macro & micro metallographic test,Flattening test and drift expanding test to pipes and tubes) 1.2 不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验/Test for intergranular corrosion of stainless steels 1.3 5xxx系列铝合金晶间腐蚀试验/Test for intergranular corrosion of 5XXX Series Aluminum Alloys 1.4 5xxx系列铝合金剥落腐蚀试验/Test for exfoliation corrosion of 5XXX Series Aluminum Alloys 1.5 焊件拉伸、弯曲、冲击、硬度试验/Tensile,bend,impact & hardness test to fillet weldineriesg section 1.6 化学分析及测试/Chemical analysis and test 2.非金属材料/Non-metallic materials: 2.1.涂料(外观、细度、不挥发物、干燥时间)/Coatings(Film aspect,Fineness,Nonvolatile matter,Drying time for Coating) 2.2.纤维增强塑料性能试验/Fiber-reinforced plastics performance test Guangdong Zhuhai Supervision Testing Institute of Quality And Metrdogy NO.1,Taibei Street,Pingdong Liulu,Nanping Technical Industrial Zone,Xiangzhou District,Zhuhai,Guangdong,China
11 2024-11-28~ 2028-11-27 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质,详见附页)。 Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials Listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013, See Additional Page). BATE MARINE SERVICES CO., LTD. Room 12B09, No. 299 Tongdu Northern Road, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province
12 2024-11-14~ 2028-11-13 防火材料和防火结构 Fireproof materials and fire divisions 1. IMO 2010年FTP规则第1、2、3、4、5、7、8、9、10、11部分的全部试验项目 All of the test items of IMO 2010 FTP Code Parts 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 and 11 2. 可燃材料发热值测定 Determination of the calorific value of combustible materials 3. 船用塑料管湿式状态耐火试验(L3级) Fire endurance test in wet conditions for plastic pipes on ships 4. 船用管道耐火性能试验 Fire endurance test for marine pipeline FAR EAST FIRE TESTING CENTRE 511 Chuhua ZhiLu, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Fengxian Sub-Zone, Shanghai
13 2024-11-04~ 2028-11-03 1.救生艇芯层材料(硬质泡沫塑料) Lifeboats core material ( foam ) 2.纤维增强塑料试板 Fiber reinforced plastic plate 3.塑料管及配件(热塑性树脂) Plastic pipe and fittings ( thermoplastic resin ) 4.船用环氧机座垫片 Marine epoxy base gasket 5.轴承材料 Bearing materials 6.热固性树脂(环氧树脂、不饱和树脂、酚醛树脂) Thermosetting resins ( epoxy resin, unsaturated resin, phenolic resin ) 7.玻璃钢增强材料(玻璃纤维布、玻璃纤维毡、玻璃纤维织物) Glass fiber reinforced materials ( glass fiber cloth, glass fiber, glass fiber fabric ) 8.救生衣芯材 Life jacket core material 9.救生筏胶布(橡胶制品及织物) Life rafts rubberized fabric ( rubber and fabric ) 10.有害物质检测-石棉 Test of hazardous materials-Asbestos Shanghai R&D Center for Polymer Materials Room 601, Building 1, Lane 288, Mingnan Road, Shanghai, China
14 2024-11-04~ 2028-11-03 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages FOSHAN SUPERVISION TESTING CENTER OF QUALITY AND METROLOGY No.2,Kehui road,Luogeyuan,Jihuaxi,Chancheng Distrect,Foshan City,Guangdong province,China
15 2024-10-31~ 2028-10-30 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board(Including Hazardous Materials Listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 China Classification Society Industrial Corp., Guangzhou Branch No.40, Haitiansiwang, Hongde Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
16 2024-10-24~ 2028-10-28 1.电气电子产品电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test for electrical and electronic products; 2.照明灯具电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test for luminaires; 3.船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备/Marine radio communication equipment and navigation systems and equipment: 3.1 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test; 3.2 性能试验/performance test. SGS-CSTC STANDARDS TECHNICAL SERVICES CO., LTD Shenzhen Branch Room 101-901, Plant 4&Room 101, Plant 2&Room 101, 301-501, Plant 3, Jianghao Industrial Plant Area, No. 430, Jihua Road, Bantian Community, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China
17 2024-10-23~ 2028-10-21 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放检测 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines CATARC Automotive Test Center(Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd. No.39, Xiangshan Avenue, Yongning Street, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
18 2024-10-14~ 2028-10-17 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products 1.1 性能试验/Performance test 1.2 环境试验/Environmental test 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test 1.4 舰船用照明灯具试验/Test for marine lighting 1.5 船用防爆灯试验/Test for marine explosion-proof light Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection No.4, Tongfa Road, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
19 2024-11-16~ 2028-10-09 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. CATARC Automotive Inspection Center (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. No.55 Zhuanyang Avenue,Economic & Techological Development Zone,Wuhan City,Hubei Province
20 2024-10-08~ 2028-10-07 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board(Including Hazardous Materials Listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 Guangzhou STU Hengchuang Testing Service CO., Ltd. No.202, Building A, Jingye Sanjie, Yushu Industrial Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Guangzhou, Guangdong
21 2024-09-27~ 2028-09-26 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages Guangzhou STU Hengchuang Testing Service CO., Ltd. No.202, Building A, Jingye Sanjie, Yushu Industrial Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Guangzhou, Guangdong
22 2024-09-23~ 2028-09-22 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1 基本试验/Basic test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental test; Guangdong Sushi Guangbo Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Building No.4, Modern Enterprise Accelerator, No.24 Industrial East Road, Songshan Lake, Dongguan, P.R. China.
23 2024-09-18~ 2028-09-20 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board(Including Hazardous Materials Listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 Zhong Xing Sea-Land Engineering Co.,Ltd. In the Ship Repair Plant of Guangzhou Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd, Shuangshawei, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, P.R. China
24 2024-09-20~ 2028-09-19 金属材料类产品/Metal Material Products (1)力学性能试验/Mechanical Property Test, (2)耐疲劳性能试验/Fatigue Resistance Test, (3)金相检验/Metallographic Test, (4)耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion Resistant Properties Test, (5)化学成分分析/Chemical Composition Analysis. 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Shandong Supervision & Inspection Station for Metallurgical Product Quality Co., Ltd. Building D-2, No.13580, Shiji Road, Lixia District, Jinan CIty, Shandong Province
25 2024-09-06~ 2028-09-05 船舶用锂电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Battery Module, Battery Pack): (1)性能试验/Performance Test; (2)安全性试验/ Safety Test; (3)环境适应性试验/ Environmental Test; 详见证书附页/For Details, Please See the Additional Pages. Nanjing Precise Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Building A3, Lishui Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, New Energy Avenue, Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu
26 2024-08-26~ 2028-08-29 1, 低压电器类产品、电机类产品(变压器、焊机)、绝缘材料、新能源产品/Low-voltage electrical products,Motor products (transformers, welding machines)),Insulation materials,New energy products: 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 详见附页/For details please find the ATTACHMENT SHEETS Shanghai Testing & Inspection Institute for Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd. № 505 Wuning Road, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
27 2024-08-23~ 2028-08-22 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/See additional page(s) SHANDONG BANGLIN TESTING CO., LTD. 5.No.21, Shanghai Street, development zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China
28 2024-08-16~ 2028-08-21 1.金属材料/Metallic Materials 1.1机械性能试验/Mechanical Properties test 1.2管材延性试验/Ductility for Pipes and tubes 1.3化学成分分析/Chemical analysis 1.4焊接接头和焊接试样试验/Welded joint and welded specimen test 1.5不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验/Intercrystalline corrosion test of stainless steels 详见附页/See additional page(s) China Merchants Heavy Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Physics and Chemistry Trial Institute Yiu Lian Ship-repairing Base, Shenzhen Mazhou Island, China Merchants, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
29 2024-08-05~ 2028-08-04 金属材料类产品:力学性能、物理性能、成分分析、耐腐蚀性能。 Metal Material Products: Mechanical Properties, Physical Property, Component Analysis, Corrosion Resistance. Jiangsu Rongda Material Corrosion Inspection Co., Ltd. 151-8-101 to 402, East Chunhui Road, Xishan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuxi City Jiangsu Province; No.105 Chunhui Road, Xishan District, Wuxi City
30 2024-08-01~ 2028-07-31 1. 金属材料/Metal Materials: (1)力学性能试验/Mechanical Property Test, (2)耐疲劳性能试验/Fatigue Resistance Test, (3)金相检验/Metallographic Test, (4)耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion Resistant Properties Test, (5)化学成分分析/Chemical Composition Analysis, 2. 非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic Material Products : (1)性能试验/Performance Test, (2)环境试验/Environmental Test, 3. 船用材料有害物质检测/Hazaradous Material Test of Ship Materials 4. 船舶涂料/Ship Coating: (1)性能试验/Performance Test, (2)环境试验/Environmental Test; 5. 船舶通导设备/Shipping Communication Navigation Equipment: (1)性能试验/Performance Test, (2)环境试验/Environmental Test; 6. 船舶电气设备/Marine Electrical Equipment: (1)性能试验/Performance Test, (2)环境试验/Environmental Test. 详见附页 For details, please see the additional pages. Shandong Lion Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd. No.21, Shanghai Street, Pilot Free Trade Zone Yantai Area, Shandong, China
31 2024-07-31~ 2028-07-30 1. 氢燃料电池模块、氢燃料电池发电系统/Hydrogen Fuel Cell Module, Hydrogen Fuel Cell System: 1.1 性能试验/Performance test; 1.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 1.3 环境试验/ Environmental test; 1.4 电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic compatibility test; 详见证书附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Certification & Tech Innovation Center Co., Ltd. No.68, South Yutian Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
32 2024-07-24~ 2028-07-24 船用金属材料检测,焊接试样检测 Marine Metal Materials Test,Welded Samples Test SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No.69,Block 1159,KangQiao East Road,Pudong District,Shanghai,China
33 2024-07-09~ 2028-07-09 1.船用电气电子产品/ Marine Electric and Electronic Products: 1.1环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.2可靠性试验/Reliability Test; 2.其它电子电气产品/Other Electric and Electronic Products 2.1环境试验/Environmental Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Beijing Su Shi Chuangbo Environment Reliability Technical Co., Ltd. No. 2, Yard 9, Xingyang 1st Road, Science and Technology Park, Changping District, Beijing
34 2024-06-27~ 2028-06-26 详见附页/See additional page(s) Tianjin Fire Science and Technology Research Institute of MEM 2, Fuxing Road, Jinlai Highway, Xiqing District, Tianjin
35 2024-06-25~ 2028-06-24 1、柴油机氮氧化物排放检测/Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Diesel Engines 2、船舶发动机排气污染物(中国第一、二阶段)GB15097排放检测/Test of Emission of marine engine exhaust pollutants (China's first and second stages) gb15097 CATARC Automotive Research and Inspection Center (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. No. 727, Binhai 2nd Road, Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo,Zhejiang
36 2024-06-24~ 2028-06-23 1.船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试; Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines. 2.船舶发动机排气污染物排放测量 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines. 3.船用电气电子产品:环境试验; Electrical and Electronic Products: Environmental Test. 4.发电机性能试验; Generator performance test. 5.船用软件:功能安全评估、软件测试 Marine software: functional safety assessment and software testing. 具体检测项目见证书附页。 See the additional pages for the detailed test items. Vehicle Testing Engingering Resgarch Institute of China 55 Dongwai street Yanqing Beijing P.R.C
37 2024-06-19~ 2028-06-18 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1 外观检查及性能试验/Visual Inspection and Performance Test 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test Test and Analysis Center of Hangzhou Aerospace Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd. 566 Golfing Road, Dongzhou Street, Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
38 2024-05-28~ 2028-05-27 船舶航行和无线电通信设备及系统/ Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems: 环境试验/Environmental test: 风速试验、风压试验/ Wind speed test, wind pressure test. CATARC ( Tianjin ) Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. Unit 402-4, Building 6, Financial Street West District, No. 52 Xincheng West Road, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone
39 2024-05-26~ 2028-05-25 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 ) Shanghai Traction Marine Co.,Ltd. Room 101, Building No.3, No.2046-2, Donghai Village, Caojing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai
40 2024-05-11~ 2028-05-10 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages Technology Center of Qingdao Customs District No.83 Xinyue Road, Qingdao, Shandong
41 2024-04-24~ 2028-04-23 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013) CHINA CERTIFICATION & INSPECTION GROUP FUJIAN CO.,LTD No.18, Chashan Road, Mawei District, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
42 2024-04-07~ 2028-04-14 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2以及《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 Haida United Marine Tech-Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd Room 719A, Inter China Building, 33 Dengshikou Street, Beijing, P. R. China
43 2023-04-24~ 2028-04-09 发动机排放试验和测量。 Engine emission test & Measurement. Intertek Automotive Research 5404 Bandera Rd., San Antonio, TX, 78230, USA
44 2023-04-24~ 2028-04-09 发动机排放试验和测量。 Engine emission test & Measurement. Intertek Automotive Research 5404 Bandera Rd., San Antonio, TX, 78230, USA
45 2024-03-25~ 2028-03-31 金属材料类产品:力学性能、物理性能、成分分析、无损检测。 Metal Material Products: Mechanical Properties, Physical Property, Component Analysis, N.D.T. Wuxi Yiheng Engineering Testing Co., Ltd. No.90, Pan Long Shan Road, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China
46 2024-05-28~ 2028-03-27 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 SEA SENTINELS PTE LTD One Raffles Place #34-04, 1 Raffles Place, 048616 Singapore
47 2024-11-25~ 2028-03-20 1.船用电气电子产品/ Marine Electric and Electronic Products: 1.1环境试验/Environmental Test; 2.其它电子电气产品/Other Electric and Electronic Products 2.1环境试验/Environmental Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. The Environment and Reliability Experiment and Research Centre of Aviation Industry Corporation of China 7 Jingshun road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
48 2024-04-07~ 2028-03-19 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试/Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Diesel Engine 船舶发动机排气污染物检测/Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines Marine Diesel Testing Center of Dalian University of Technology No2,Linggong Road,Dalian City,Liaoning Province,China
49 2024-06-20~ 2028-03-17 船舶发动机排气污染物排放测量 Measurement of exhaust pollutants from marine engines 船用发动机氮氧化物排放测试 Measurement of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Engines Engine Emission Measurement Center of Harbin Engineering University No. 145 Nantong Street, Nangang District, Harbin
50 2024-07-23~ 2028-03-12 1. 船用锂离子电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包、电池管理系统)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Module, Pack, BMS) 1.1 性能试验/ Performance test; 1.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 1.3 环境适应性试验/Environmental test; 2. 铅酸蓄电池/Lead-acid power batteries 2.1性能试验/Performance test 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. North Vehicle Quality Intendance Inspection & Appraisal Test Institute No.4,Huaishuling,Fengtai District,Beijing,China
51 2024-02-28~ 2028-02-28 防火材料和防火结构 Fireproof materials and fire divisions 1.IMO 2010年FTP规则第1、2、3、5、7、8、9部分的全部试验项目 All of the test items of IMO 2010FTP Code Parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9. 2.可燃材料总燃烧热值测定 Determination of the gross calorific value of combustible materials SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Anji Branch No.301, Sunlight Road, 2 Block, Sunlight Industry Zone, Anji County, Zhejiang, China
52 2024-02-27~ 2028-02-26 船舶涂料类产品/Marine coating products Liaoning Institute of Product Quality Supervision Inspection (Liaoning Fire Protection Technology Testing Station, Liaoning Fireworks Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center) No.61, East Chongshan Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R.China
53 2024-02-06~ 2028-02-05 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013) Worldwide Testing & Survey Services (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Floor 1 of No.38-7-1 (Energy Market), Jinyao Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Dalian, China (Liaoning) Pilot Free Trade Zone
54 2024-01-31~ 2028-01-30 非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic Material Products: (1)塑料管及其配件(热塑性树脂)/Plastic pipes and accessories( Thermoplastic Resin ) 物理性能/Physical property;老化性能/Aging quality;材料分析/Material analysis; (2)船舶涂料/marine coating 物理性能/Physical property;化学卫生性能/Chemical health performance 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Fujian Inspection and Research Institute for Product Quality No.121 Shan Tou Jiao, Yang Qiao West Road,Fuzhou,Fujian
55 2024-01-30~ 2028-01-29 金属材料/Metal Materials: 金属材料力学性能/Mechanical properties of metallic materials 金属材料耐疲劳性能/Fatigue resistance of metallic materials 金属材料抗断裂韧性/Fracture toughness of metallic materials 金属材料耐腐蚀性能/ Corrosion resistance of metallic materials 钢铁及合金化学成分/Chemical composition of iron, steel and alloys 金属金相组织/Microstructure of metals 有色金属显微组织/Microstructure of nonferrous metals Yingda Testing Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. No. 366-2, Yinhe Road, Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong Province
56 2024-03-27~ 2028-01-01 1.金属材料及制品/Metallic materials and products 1.1力学性能(含耐疲劳性能和物理性能)/Mechanical properties(Including fatigue-resistance and physical property) 1.2金相试验/Metallographic test 1.3工艺性能试验/Process performance test 1.4腐蚀与防护/Corrosion and protection 1.5化学成分Chemical composition 2.机械零部件/Spare parts of machine 2.1几何量/Geometrical 3.紧固件/Fasteners 3.1机械性能/Mechanical properties Institute of Analysis, Guangdong Academy of Sciences (China National Analytical Center,Guangzhou) Building 34, No.100, Middle Xianlie Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
57 2023-10-16~ 2027-12-30 1.船用电气电子产品/ Marine Electric and Electronic Products: 1.1环境试验/Environmental Test; 2.其它电子电气产品/Other Electric and Electronic Products 2.1环境试验/Environmental Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Beijing Su Shi Chuangbo Environment Reliability Technical Co., Ltd. No. 2, Yard 9, Xingyang 1st Road, Science and Technology Park, Changping District, Beijing
58 2023-12-25~ 2027-12-29 船用电线电缆检测/Ship Wire and Cable Test Anhui Yuce Cable Quality Inspection Technology Co., Ltd. No.1, Binjiang Avenue, Gaogou Town, Wuwei City, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, China
59 2024-07-23~ 2027-12-29 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试/Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Diesel Engine Hudong Heavy Machinery Co.,Ltd. Calibration & Testing Center 9F, Building 4, 1333 Laiyang Road,Pudong Shanghai , China
60 2024-07-23~ 2027-12-29 金属材料和制品(机械性能)/ Metal material and products (Mechanical Performance) 金属材料和制品(微观组织)/ Metal material and products (Microstructure) 金属和合金(成分) / Metal and alloys (Composition) 金属制品(无损检测)/ Metal material and products (Nondestructive testing item) 通用零部件(几何量测量) / General components (Geometric measurement) 船用柴油机(振动、噪声、烟度) / Marine diesel engine (Mechanical,vibration Noise, Smoke) 工业用油 (固体颗粒污染度、水含量、机械杂质)/ Industrial oil (Solid particle contamination level,Water in petroleum products , Determination of mechanical admixtures ) 详见附页 See the additional pages Hudong Heavy Machinery Co.,Ltd. Calibration & Testing Center 9F, Building 4, 1333 Laiyang Road,Pudong Shanghai , China
61 2023-10-30~ 2027-12-25 1.金属材料类产品:化学分析、力学性能、金相组织、耐腐蚀性能、耐疲劳性能、无损探伤/Metal Material Products: Chemical Analysis, Mechanical Properties, Metallographic Structure, Corrosion Resistance, Fatigue Resistance, NDT. 2.钢丝绳产品:性能试验/Steel Wire Rope Products: Performance Test. 3.锚链产品:性能试验/Anchor Chain Products: Performance Test. 4.电气电子产品(含电动机)/Electric and Electronic Products (Including Electromotors): 性能试验、环境试验/Performance Test, Environment Test. 5.船用涂料产品:性能试验/Marine Coating Products: Performance Test. 6.塑料、橡胶产品:理化性能试验/Plastic and Rubber Products: Physical and Chemical Properties Test. Nantong Product Quality Supervision & Inspection Institute No. 119, Guoqiang Road, Chongchuan District, Nantong City, Jiangsu
62 2023-12-25~ 2027-12-24 1. 金属材料类产品/Metallic materials products: 1.1 机械性能/Mechanical properties; 1.2 耐疲劳性能/Fatigue properties; 1.3 抗断裂韧性/Fatigue fracture toughness; 1.4 物理性能/Physical properties; 1.5 耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion resistance; 1.6 钢铁及合金化学成分/Chemical analysis of Iron, steel and alloys; 1.7 有色金属化学成分/Chemical analysis of non-ferrous metals; 1.8 金相组织/Microstructure of metals. 具体试验项目详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Testing Center of Institute of Corrosion Science and Technology Building B2, No.136 Kaiyuan Avenue, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
63 2023-12-25~ 2027-12-24 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1.基本试验/Basic Test; 1.2.环境条件试验/Environmental Test; 1.3.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems: 2.1.一般试验/General Test; 2.2.电源试验/Power Supply Test; 2.3.环境条件试验/Environmental Test; 2.4.电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.5.特殊试验/Special Purpose Test; 2.6.人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Test. 3.船载北斗卫星导航系统接收设备性能试验/Shipborne Beidou Navigation Satellite System Receiver Equipment (BDS) Performance tests 详见附页/See the additional pages. The 54th Research Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation(Beidou Satellite Navigation Product (1001)Quality Testing Center) No.589, Zhongshan West Road Shijiazhuang,Hebei,China
64 2023-12-20~ 2027-12-19 1. 船用锂离子电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Module, Pack) 1.1 性能试验/ Performance test; 1.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 1.3 环境适应性试验/Environmental test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.,Ltd. No.2 Xin’gang Road, Zhangwan Town, Jiaocheng District, Ningde City, Fujian, PRC
65 2023-12-19~ 2027-12-18 金属材料/Metal materials: 1、力学性能/Mechanical properties 2、物理性能/Physical properties 3、钢铁及合金化学成分/Steel and alloy chemical composition 详见附页/For details, See additional pages BM Shenghe Testing Technology (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd. Unit 431 E, 4th Floor, Building C, Xiamen International Shipping Center, No.93 Xiangyu Road, Xiamen Area, China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone
66 2023-12-13~ 2027-12-12 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 ) QingDao Carest Testing CO.,LTD Rooms 603, 604 and 605, building 2, high level talent entrepreneurship center, No.153, Zhuzhou Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province
67 2023-12-11~ 2027-12-10 1.船舶电气电子产品/Marine electric and electronic products: 1.1 性能试验/ performance test; 1.2 环境试验/environmental test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/electromagnetic compatibility test; 2. 航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems: 2.1 环境试验/environmental test; 2.2 电磁兼容试验/electromagnetic compatibility test; 3. 防爆电气设备/ Explosion-proof electrical apparatus: 3.1 防爆性能试验/ performance of explosion-proof test. 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Coal Science (Beijing) Test Technology Co., Ltd. Building No.6, No.5, Yulong Street, Caiyu Town, Beijing Economic Development Zone (Daxing)
68 2024-01-11~ 2027-12-10 《香港公约》附录1、附录2以及《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 详见附页/For details,please see additional page(s) Intertek Testing Services(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd. 1-6F,Block B,No.7, Guiyuan Road, Huayuan Hi-Tech Park, Tianjin, 300384,China
69 2023-12-06~ 2027-12-05 1、金属材料类产品/Metal material products 金属材料机械性能、疲劳性能、断裂韧性、腐蚀性能、物理性能、化学成分以及金相组织的检测和试验/Testing of mechanical properties, fatigue properties, fracture toughness, corrosion properties, physical properties, chemical composition, and metallographic structure of metal materials 2、非金属材料产品/Non-metallic material products 非金属材料机械性能、物理性能的检测和试验/Testing of mechanical and physical properties of non-metallic materials 3.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 环境试验/Environmental Test; 4.船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备/Maritime radiocommunication and navigation equipment: 环境试验/Environmental Test; 具体检测/试验项目详见附页/Refer to the attached pages for specific inspection/testing items. AVIC Touchstone Testing Innovation (Dachang) Co.,Ltd. Chaobai River Economic Development Zone,Dachang Hui Autonomous County,Langfang,Hebei
70 2023-12-04~ 2027-12-03 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages Guangzhou Customs District Technology Center Tower B,Guangdong Guojian Building,No. 66, Huacheng Avenue, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
71 2024-01-08~ 2027-12-01 船用控制箱:Marine Control Box 1、性能试验/Performance Test 2、环境试验/Environmental Test 3、电磁兼容试验/ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Test 船用通导设备/Marine Communication and Navigation Equipment: 1、电磁兼容试验(干扰类)/ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Test (interference type) 压载水管理系统的电气和电子部分/Electrical and electronic components of ballast water management system 1、环境试验/Environmental Test 2、电磁兼容试验/ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Test Marine Environment Engineering and Reliability Laboratory, No.704 Research Institute, CSSC No.160, Xinpan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
72 2023-12-18~ 2027-12-01 救生艇:性能试验(撞击、自由降落、火烧) Lifeboat:Performance Test(Impact、Free-fall、Fire) Marine Environment Engineering and Reliability Laboratory, No.704 Research Institute, CSSC No.160, Xinpan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
73 2023-11-22~ 2027-12-01 船用机电产品空气辐射噪声及结构噪声检测 Testing of airborne noise emitted by marine mechanical and electrical products and structure-borne noise induced by marine mechanical and electrical products Marine Environment Engineering and Reliability Laboratory, No.704 Research Institute, CSSC No.160, Xinpan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
74 2023-12-01~ 2027-11-30 1. 金属材料类产品/Metal material products: 1.1 化学分析/Chemical analysis; 1.2 力学性能/Mechanical properties; 1.3 金相组织/Metallography structure; 1.4 耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion resistance; 1.5 耐疲劳性能/Fatigue test; 1.6 无损检测/Non-destructive test. 2. 非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic material products: 2.1 物理性能/Physical test; 2.2 力学性能/Mechanical. Wuxi Institute of Inspection, Testing and Certification No. 8 Chunxin East Road, Xishan District, Wuxi City
75 2023-11-27~ 2027-11-26 1、力学性能试验:拉伸(含Z向拉伸)、冲击、硬度、弯曲、压扁; Mechanical properties test: Stretching (including Z-direction stretching) test, Impact test, Hardness examine, Bending test, Flattening test; 2、化学成分分析:C、Si、Mn、P、S、Nb、V、Ti、Al、Cr、Ni、Cu、Mo; Chemical component analysis: 3、金相检查:宏观金相、微观金相。 Metallographic examination: Macro, Micro. chongqing jingpuke engineering inspection/testing co.,ltd. #86 liming rd.,extended from lizhi street, fuling dist.,chongqing wangjiang garden bld.b2-5
76 2023-11-10~ 2027-11-10 1、橡胶材料性能试验Performance test of rubber materials 2、金属材料机械性能试验The mechanical properties of metallic materials、金属材料组织结构试验The organization structure of metallic materials test、金属材料化学成分分析Chemical composition analysis of metal materials 3、隔振器产品特性检测Characters of Vibration isolator 4、阻燃性能测试Burning behavior test Zhuzhou Inspection Center of Polymeric Materials and Products for Railways No.639,Heilongjiang road,Tianyuan District,Zhuzhou,Hunan -P.R. China
77 2024-01-11~ 2027-11-05 水下结构应力检测/Underwater structure stress detection:应变、变形(位移)、压力、密封性能、质量/Strain, deformation (displacement), pressure, sealing performance, quality Calibration and Testing Center of CSSC No.719 Research Institute No.19,Yangqiaohu Avenue,Canglongdao Development Zone,Jiangxia District,Wuhan City,Hubei province
78 2024-01-11~ 2027-11-05 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products:电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test Calibration and Testing Center of CSSC No.719 Research Institute No.19,Yangqiaohu Avenue,Canglongdao Development Zone,Jiangxia District,Wuhan City,Hubei province
79 2023-11-03~ 2027-11-02 1.金属材料类产品/Metal material products: 1.1金属金相组织/Metal Lographic Structure; 1.2金属材料力学性能/Mechanical Properties of Metal Materials; 1.3金属材料耐疲劳性能/Fatigue Resistance of Metal Materials; 1.4金属材料抗断裂韧性/Resistance to Fracture Toughness of Metal Materials; 1.5金属及合金化学成分/Chemical composition of metals and alloys; 1.6金属材料耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion resistance of metal materials. 2.焊接件/Welding Parts: 2.1焊接试件性能/Properties of Welding Parts. 3.紧固件/Fasteners: 3.1紧固件性能/Properties of Fasteners. 4.通用零部件/General Components: 4.1通用零部件物理性能/Physical Properties of General Components. 详见附页/For details please see the attached sheets. SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Tianjin)Co., Ltd. NO.41,The 5th Avenue, TEDA, Tianjin, China
80 2023-10-19~ 2027-10-18 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages China Ceprei Laboratory/ The Fifth Electronics Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology No.78, West of Zhucun Road Zhucun Street, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
81 2023-10-10~ 2027-10-09 柴油机氮氧化物排放检测/Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Diesel Engines 发动机排气污染物检测/Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Engines Jinan Automobile Test Center Co., Ltd. No. 777, Huaao Road, High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Jinan, Shandong Province
82 2023-10-08~ 2027-10-07 氢燃料电池模块、氢燃料电池发电系统/Hydrogen Fuel Cell Module, Hydrogen Fuel Cell System: 1.1 性能试验/Performance test; 1.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 1.3 环境试验/ Environmental test; 详见证书附页/For details, please see the additional pages. To High Hydrogen Testing (Baoding) Co., LTD No.2299, Chaoyang South Street, Baoding, Hebei, China
83 2023-10-08~ 2027-10-07 柴油机氮氧化物排放检测/Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Diesel Engines 发动机排气污染物检测/Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Engines Internal combustion engine laboratory, Shandong Jiaotong University No. 52, Sangyuan Road, Licheng District, Ji’nan City, Shandong Province, China.
84 2023-09-18~ 2027-09-29 船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines Test Center of China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.9, Jinyu Avenue, Northern New District, Chongqing, China
85 2023-09-18~ 2027-09-29 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放检测 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines Test Center of China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.9, Jinyu Avenue, Northern New District, Chongqing, China
86 2023-09-12~ 2027-09-16 1. 船用锂离子电池(蓄电池单体、蓄电池模块、蓄电池包)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Module, Pack): 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test 1.2 安全性试验/Safety Test 2. 电气电子产品/Electric and Electronic Products: 2.1 性能试验(含电池管理系统性能试验)/Performance Test(BMS performance test included) 2.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility Test Center of China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.9, Jinyu Avenue, Northern New District, Chongqing, China
87 2023-09-15~ 2027-09-15 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1 环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. Central South Metrology and Measurement Center of Wuhan Zhongyuan Communication Co., Ltd. No.1, Gaoxin Silu, New Technology Development Zone, East Lake, Wuhan, Hubei
88 2023-09-12~ 2027-09-14 金属材料产品试验/Metal material products test 1.力学性能/Mechanical properties 2.化学分析/Chemical analysis 3.金相组织/Micro structure 4.其他试验/Other test 详见附页/For details, please see additional pages Quality Inspection Center of Harbin Welding Institute Limited Company of China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group No.2077, Chuangxin Road, Songbei District, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, P.R.China
89 2023-09-28~ 2027-09-04 1.电气电子产品/Electric and electronic products: 1.1环境试验/environmental test; 1.2电磁兼容试验/electromagnetic compatibility test; 1.3性能试验/performance test; 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment and Systems: 2.1环境试验/environmental test; 2.2电磁兼容试验/electromagnetic compatibility test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Tianjin Tianchuan Electrical Control Equipment Test Co.,Ltd No.6,Xintong Road,Dongli Development District, Tianjin,China
90 2023-08-31~ 2027-08-30 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products; 1.1.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.2.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. Massive Research Testing Technology (Hubei) Co., Ltd. C1 Plant, Wuhan Lixia Power Equipment Co., Ltd, No. 5, Liangshantou Road, Canglong Island, Jiangxia District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
91 2023-08-18~ 2027-08-17 非金属材料类产品:涂料 Non metallic material products: coatings 1)涂料常规性能试验 Normal performance test of coatings 2)漆膜常规性能试验 Routine performance test of paint film 3)自然环境暴露试验 Natural environment exposure test 详见附页/For details,Please see the attached sheets.. The Environmental Test Center,Southwest Technology & Engineering Institute of China South Industries Group No.116 Fenglin Road Jinfeng Town Gaoxin District Chongqing
92 2023-08-15~ 2027-08-14 1. 锂离子蓄电池/Lithium-ion Battery 1.1 基础试验/Basic Test 1.2 性能试验/Performance test 1.3 安全性试验/Safety test 2. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 2.1 环境试验/Environmental test; GRG METROLOGY &TEST GROUP CO., LTD SHENZHEN BRANCH No.10,Dafu Industrial Erea,Guanguang RD, Guanlan Street, Longhua Sistrick Shenzhen Guangdong China
93 2023-08-01~ 2027-07-31 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines. 船舶发动机排气污染物检测 Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines. HuaYe Testing Technology Service co.,LTD 江苏省苏州市吴江区联杨路139号清华汽车产业园8号楼
94 2023-07-27~ 2027-07-26 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备/Maritime radiocommunication and navigation equipment: 2.1 环境试验/Environmental Test; 2.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 3. 船用锂离子电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Module, Pack) 3.1 性能试验/ Performance test; 3.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 3.3 环境适应性试验/Environmental test; 4.锂离子蓄电池系统/Lithium-ion battery system: 4.1 安全保护试验/Safety protection test 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Xiamen Products Quality Supervision&Inspection Institute No.170 Hubin South Road Xiamen China
95 2023-10-07~ 2027-07-22 1.船舶电气设备/Marine electrical equipment: (1)性能试验/Performance Test, (2)环境试验/Environmental Test, (3)电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.船舶通导设备/Shipping communication navigation equipment: (1)环境试验/Environmental Test,(2)电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 3.金属材料/Metal Materials: (1)力学性能试验/Mechanical Property Test,(2)耐疲劳性能试验/Fatigue resistance test, (3)金相检验/Metallographic test,(4)耐腐蚀性能/Corrosion resistant properties test, (5)化学成分分析/Chemical Composition Analysis,(6)性能试验/Performance Test; 4.非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic Material Products (1)性能试验/Performance Test; 5.船舶材料/Ship materials: (1)有害物质检测/Hazaradous Material Test, (2)船舶有害物质外观/取样检查/Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Marine Equipment Inspection & Testing Co., Ltd. No.118, Qiyunshan Yilu, Aoshanwei Street, Jimo, Qingdao, Shandong, China
96 2023-07-22~ 2027-07-21 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines. 船舶发动机排气污染物检测 Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines. Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inpsection Certification & Tech Innovation Center.,LTD No.68, South YUtian Road, Jiading District, Shanghai
97 2023-07-05~ 2027-07-18 船用电缆/Marine Cable: 性能试验/Performance Tests 附加试验/Additional Tests Shanghai Intelligent Service and Technology Co.,Ltd. No.458, Haixiang Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China/East zone, Building 14, No.1000, Jinhai Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China
98 2024-04-29~ 2027-06-16 有害物质检测/ Tests for hazardous materials 详见附页/See additional page Centre Testing International Pinbiao (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No.1351, Wanfang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
99 2023-06-09~ 2027-06-08 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1. 电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests. CATARC Automotive Test Center(Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd. No.39, Xiangshan Avenue, Yongning Street, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
100 2023-05-24~ 2027-05-23 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products; 1.1.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.2.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. The Wuhan Electromechanical Products Environment and Reliability Test Detection Center of SCIC No 3,Canglong Street,Canglong Developing Zone,Jiangxia District,Wuhan City
101 2023-05-19~ 2027-05-18 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages EMTEK (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd. -1&2/F., Building 2, Zone A, Zhongda Marine Biotechnology Research and Development Base, No. 9, Xincheng Avenue, Songshanhu High-technology Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
102 2023-05-09~ 2027-05-08 船用电缆/Marine Cable 详见附页/For details, please see the additional page(s). ZUGO Electrical Testing Co.,Ltd. 101, 201, 301, 401, 501, Testing Hall, Testing Building, No. 168, Keji 1st Road, High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
103 2023-08-11~ 2027-04-28 1.金属材料及制品/Metallic material and product: 1.1化学分析/Chemical analysis; 1.2机械性能/Mechanical property; 1.3物理检测/Physical testing; 1.4无损检测/NDT; 2.非金属复合材料/Nonmetals and composition materials: 2.1机械性能/Mechanical property; 2.2盐雾试验/Salt spray tests; 3.石棉检测/Asbestos testing; 4.空气噪声测量/The determination of airborne noise. 详见附页/For details,see attached page(s) . No.52 Institute of China Ordnance Industries Group Yantai Branch No.2-1 Yingbin Road, Laishan District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China
104 2023-11-08~ 2027-04-08 1.船用金属材料和金属制品性能试验(金属拉伸试验、疲劳试验) Performance testing of marine metallic and material metalware (tensile test,fatigue test) 2.水压性能试验(水下强度试验、密封性能试验、疲劳试验) Hydraulic performance testing(strength test,seal performance test,fatigue test) China Ship Scientific Research Center 无锡市滨湖区山水东路222号
105 2023-04-07~ 2027-04-06 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1 基本试验/Basic test; 1.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test; 2. 船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备备/Marine radio communication equipment and navigation systems and equipment: 2.1 一般试验/General test; 2.2 电源试验/Power supply test; 2.3 环境试验/Environmental test; 2.4 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test; 2.5 人身安全试验/Safety precautions test. 3. 照明灯具/Luminaires 3.1 性能试验/Performance test; 3.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test; EMTEK (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd. -1&2/F., Building 2, Zone A, Zhongda Marine Biotechnology Research and Development Base, No. 9, Xincheng Avenue, Songshanhu High-technology Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
106 2023-04-03~ 2027-04-02 船用金属材料检测,详见附页。Inspection of marine metal materials,See additional pages. Physical Testing & Chemical Analysis Center of Metallic Materials of China Ordnance Industry Building 9A, Yunsheng Industrial Park, 225 Canghai Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang
107 2023-04-03~ 2027-03-31 泡沫灭火剂(低、中、高倍)检测 Foam Concentrates ( Low, Medium, High-Expansion ) Testing Taizhou Jingzhun Foam Concentrates Testing and Research Laboratory Kangming West Road, Shili Village, Lincheng Industrial Park, Xinghua, Jiangsu Province
108 2023-05-05~ 2027-03-27 1. 金属材料/Metallic Materials 1.1 机械性能测试/Mechanical properties test; 1.2 管材延性试验/Ductility test for pipes and tubes; 1.3 化学成分分析/Chemical analysis; 1.4 焊接工艺试验/Welding procedure test 1.5 金相组织分析/Metallographic structure analysis Calibration and Testing Center of CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd. No.188,Jinzhou North Road,Changzhou Street,Huangpu District, Guangzhou,Guangdong,China
109 2024-11-19~ 2027-03-12 不燃性试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第1部分)/Non-combustibility test(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 1) 软垫家具试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第8部分)/Test for upholstered furniture(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 8) 床上用品试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第9部分)/Test for bedding components(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 9) 可燃材料总燃烧热值测定(ISO 1716:2018)/Determination of the gross heat of combustion(calorific value) of combustible materials(ISO 1716:2018) 烟气和毒性试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第2部分)/Smoke and toxicity test(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 2) 表面可燃性试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第5部分)/Test for surface flammability(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 5) 垂直悬挂纺织品和薄膜的试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第7部分)/Test for vertically supported textiles and films(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 7) "A"级、"B"级和"F"级分隔试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第3部分)/Test for "A","B" and "F" class divisions(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 3) "H"级防火分隔试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第3部分和ISO/TR 834-3:1994)/Test for "H" class division(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 3 and ISO/TR 834-3:1994) 高速船阻火分隔试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第11部分)/Test for fire-restricting divisions of high-speed craft(IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 11) 详见附页/See Additional pages for Details SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shunde Branch 1-2/F., Building 1, European Industrial Park, No.1, Shunhe South Road, Wusha, Daliang, Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong, China
110 2023-03-13~ 2027-03-12 不燃性试验/Non-combustibility test 软垫家具试验/Test for upholstered furniture 床上用品试验/Test for bedding components 可燃材料总燃烧热值测定/Determination of the gross heat of combustion(calorific value) of combustible materials 烟气和毒性试验/Smoke and toxicity test 表面可燃性试验/Test for surface flammability 垂直悬挂纺织品和薄膜的试验/Test for vertically supported textiles and films "A"级、"B"级和"F"级分隔试验/Test for "A","B" and "F" class divisions 详见附页/See Additional pages for Details SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shunde Branch 1-2/F., Building 1, European Industrial Park, No.1, Shunhe South Road, Wusha, Daliang, Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong, China
111 2023-03-10~ 2027-03-09 1.金属材料类产品/Metal material products 2.机电产品/Mechanical and electrical products 3.管路及附件/Piping and fittings Zhongliao Testing (Liaoning) Co., Ltd. No.506-1, 1st Tongcheng Road, Shenfu Demonstration Zone, Liaoning Province, P.R.China
112 2023-09-04~ 2027-03-07 1、船舶锂电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包)/Marine lithium battery(Cell,Battery Module, Battery Pack): 1.1 性能试验/Performance test; 1.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 1.3 环境适应性试验/ Environmental test; 2、锂电池管理系统/ Battery Management System: 2.1性能试验/Performance Test; 2.2环境适应性试验/ Environmental test; 详见证书附页/For details, please see the additional pages. CATARC Automotive Test Center(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd 68,East Xianfeng Road,Dongli District,Tianjin,China
113 2024-03-22~ 2027-03-01 1.船舶电气电子产品/Marine electric and electronic products: 1.1环境试验/environmental test; 1.2电磁兼容试验/electromagnetic compatibility test; 2. 航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment and Systems: 2.1 环境试验/environmental test; 2.2 电磁兼容试验/electromagnetic compatibility test; 2.3 安全防护试验/Safety precautions; 2.4 特殊目的试验/Special purpose test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Beijing Blue Sky Honggao Metrology Testing Co. Ltd. 1/F, Unit 702, Building 2, No. 3 Yongchang North Road, Yizhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing, China
114 2023-05-09~ 2027-02-17 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products 1.1变压器试验/Test for transformer 详见附页/For details, please see the additional page. Shenyang Transformer Research Institute Co., Ltd. No. 20-1, Hushitai South Street, Shenbei New Area, Shenyang, Liaoning, P.R.China
115 2023-02-28~ 2027-02-08 1.船用产品空气辐射噪声及结构噪声检测 Testing of airborne noise emitted by marine product and structure-borne noise included by marine product 2.船用隔声结构空气声隔声指数检测 Testing of airborne sound insulation index for marine sound insulation structure Naval Ship Hydrodynamics and Structure Performance Inspection Laboratory, China Ship Scientific Research Center No. 222, Shangshui Dong Road, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
116 2023-01-16~ 2027-01-15 见附页/See additional page(s) Zhongji Huanyu (Shandong) vehicle certification and Testing Co. , Ltd. Intersection of Tianqu East Road and Chongde 4th Avenue, Dezhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shandong Province
117 2023-02-10~ 2027-01-09 (1)电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 性能试验/Performance Test,环境试验/Environmental Test; (2)航行设备和无线电通信设备及系统/Navigational Equipment and Radiocommunication Equipment and System: 环境试验/Environmental Test; (3)金属及有机涂层/Metal and Organic Coating: 性能试验/Performance Test,环境试验/Environmental Test; (4)金属材料/Metal Materials: 化学成分分析/Chemical Analysis,性能试验/Performance Test; (5)金属材料及金属覆盖层/Metal and Metallic Coatings: 性能试验/Performance Test; (6)非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic Material Products: 橡胶制品/Rubber Products,纤维增强塑料/Fiber-reinforced Plastics,玻璃钢增强材料/Fiberglass Reinforcements,塑料制品/Plastic Products 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Qingdao Sushi Haice Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Su Shi Guang Bo,Gangbei Community ,Jihongtan Street,Chengyang District, Qingdao,Shandong,China
118 2022-12-20~ 2026-12-19 非金属材料/Non-metallic materials: 纤维增强塑料/Fiber-reinforced plastics Yacht Security and Production Quality Inspection Center of Jimei University No.185, Yinjiang Road, Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province
119 2023-06-08~ 2026-12-06 1. 船用防火材料和耐火结构:不燃性试验、烟气和毒性试验、"A"级、"B" 级和"F" 级分隔试验、表面 可燃性试验、垂直悬挂纺织品和薄膜的阻火性能试验、带有垫、套家具的试验、床上用品着火性试验、高速船阻火材料试验、高速船阻火分隔试验、"H"级防火分隔试验 2. 船用电线电缆:电性能试验、非电性能试验、无卤电缆附加试验、低烟电缆附加试验、耐火电缆附加试验、特殊性能附加试验 China Merchants Inspection & Certification (Chongqing) Co.,Ltd 4/F.,Building Bl,Foreign Business District, No.2,Caifu Donglu,Yubei District,Chongqing,China
120 2023-01-29~ 2026-11-29 1.电气电子产品/Electrician electrical products 1.1 船用环境条件试验 Environment Test 1.2 电磁兼容试验 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test 2 电气产品(含船用低压电器、船用低压开关设备、船用控制装置)性能试验 Performance Test for marine low-voltage electrical installation,marine low-voltage switchgear ,marine controller. 认可试验范围详见附页/Items of test approved see additional pages Zhejiang Fang Yuan Electric Equipment Test Co., Ltd. No. 400, Guangqiong Road, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China
121 2022-11-14~ 2026-11-13 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines. 船舶发动机排气污染物检测 Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines. High-Power Engine Product Testing Center of Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute No.3111 HuaNing Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
122 2022-11-10~ 2026-11-09 1. 船用锂离子电池(电池单体、电池模块、电池包)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Module, Pack): 1.1 安全性试验/Safety Test 1.2 电性能试验/Performance Test 2. 电气电子产品/Electric and Electronic Products: 2.1 性能试验(含电池管理系统性能试验)/Performance Test(BMS performance test included) 2.2 环境试验/Environmental Test 2.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. Hunan Auto Testing Technology Co.,Ltd. No.6 Shangjian Road,Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou Hunan China
123 2022-11-08~ 2026-11-07 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages STATS ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD 71 Toh Guan Road East #02-01, TCH Techcentre, Singapore, 608598
124 2022-10-14~ 2026-10-13 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1 外观检查及性能试验/Visual Inspection and Performance Test 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electro Magnetic Compatibility Test Zhejiang Kezheng Electronic Information Product Testing Co., Ltd. No.316, Jianghong South Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
125 2022-09-21~ 2026-09-20 1. 船用锂离子电池(蓄电池单体、蓄电池模块、蓄电池包)/Marine Lithium Battery(Cell, Module, Pack): 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test 1.2 安全性试验/Safety Test 2. 电气电子产品/Electric and Electronic Products: 2.1 性能试验(含电池管理系统性能试验)/Performance Test(BMS performance test included) 2.2 环境试验/Environmental Test 2.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility China Merchants Testing Vehicle Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.9, Xinjin Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chongqing, China
126 2022-07-01~ 2026-09-16 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放检测 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines CATARC Automotive Test Center(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd 68,East Xianfeng Road,Dongli District,Tianjin,China
127 2022-09-13~ 2026-09-12 船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines China Merchants Testing Vehicle Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.9, Xinjin Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chongqing, China
128 2022-09-13~ 2026-09-12 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放检测 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines China Merchants Testing Vehicle Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.9, Xinjin Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chongqing, China
129 2022-08-12~ 2026-08-27 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines. 船舶发动机排气污染物检测 Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines. Shanghai Yurong Marine Technology Co., Ltd. No.533, Luoshan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
130 2023-01-20~ 2026-08-27 1.金属材料/Metallic materials: 1.1机械性能试验(室温拉伸试验、室温弯曲试验、室温至-100℃冲击试验、硬度试验、管材的压扁和扩口试验)/Mechanical properties (Tensile test at room temperature,Bend test at room temperature,Impact test from room temperature to -100℃,Hardness test ,Flattening test and drift expanding test to pipes and tubes) 1.2宏、微观金相试验/Macro & micro metallographic test 1.3 焊件拉伸、弯曲、冲击试验/Tensile,bend & impact test to fillet welding section 1.4 化学成分分析/Chemical analysis Zhuhai Branch,Guangdong Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Research No.133 Renmin West Road , Zhuhai, Guangdong, China
131 2022-10-20~ 2026-08-26 1.钢丝绳索具检测/Steel wire rope slings test 2.可卸零部件检测/Loose gear test 3.纤维索检测/Fiber rope test 检测项目和范围明细详见附页。 Test items and description refer to the additonal pages. TEST CENTER OF TIANJIN SHENGXINTAI STEEL WIREROPE SLING MANUFACTURING CO.LTD No.6555,DONGJIANG ROAD,TANGGU,Binhai New Area,Tianjin,P.R.China
132 2022-08-19~ 2026-08-20 1.金属材料类产品/Metal materials products 1.1.金属材料机械性能、疲劳性能、断裂韧性、物理性能、腐蚀性能、无损检测/Mechanical properties,fatigue properties,fatigue fracture toughness,physical properties,physical properties,NDT of Metallic materials; 1.2.钢铁及合金化学分析、金相组织/Chemical analysis of Iron,Microstructure of iron,steel and alloys; 1.3.有色金属化学分析、显微组织/Chemical analysis,Microstructure of non-ferrous metals. 2.焊接材料类产品性能/Welding consumables products 3.非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic materials products 3.1.橡胶、塑料、玻璃纤维增强塑料及其制品性能/Rubber,plastic,glass fiber reinforced plastics and its products of properties; 3.2.橡胶、塑料及固体材料/Rubbers、plasticsand solid materials; 3.3.阻尼材料及其结构/Damping materials and structures. 4.产品或材料中石棉检测/Determination of asbestos in materials and products. 5.压力管道阀门/Pressure Piping valve 详见附页/For details,Please see the attached sheets. Testing And Verifying Center For Ship Materials No.169, binhenanlu Road, Luoyang, Henan
133 2022-08-19~ 2026-08-20 1)金属材料腐蚀性能试验 test on Corrosion Properties of metal materials 2)涂膜常规性能试验 Normal performance test of coats 3)橡胶及其制品海洋大气曝露 Marine atmosphere exposure of rubber and its products 4)塑料及其制品海洋大气曝露 Marine atmosphere exposure of plastic and its products 详见附页/For details,Please see the attached pages Testing and verifying center for ship materials on Marine Environmnet Corrosion P.O. Box 023,Hongtangwan,Tianyazhen,Tianya District,Sanva,Hainan
134 2022-08-19~ 2026-08-20 1.涂料常规性能试验 Normal performance test of coatings 2.涂膜常规性能试验 Normal performance test of coats 3.海洋自然环境暴露试验 Exposure test of natural marine environment 4.海洋自然环境模拟加速试验 Artificial accelerated aging est of natural marine environment 5.所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所所用涂层的合格性试验 Test for coating qualification for dedicated seawater ballast tank of all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers 6.原油油船货油舱保护涂层合格性试验 Qualification test for protective coatings for cargo oil tanksof crude oil tankers 7.阻拦索 Arresting cable 8.富锌底漆 Zinc rich primer 9.船体涂料 Ship coatings 10.混凝土涂层 Concrete coatings 11.海洋平台涂料合格性试验 Qualification test for offshore coatings 12.风电涂料 windpower coatings 详见附页/For details,Please see the attached pages Test And Verifying Center For Ship Materials On Coatings And Paintings No.725 Meifengnan Road, Xiamen, Fujian
135 2022-08-19~ 2026-08-20 1.辅助阳极 Auxiliary anodes 2.参比电极 Reference electrodes 3.牺牲阳极 Sacrificial anodes 4.一般金属腐蚀与防护材料 Metallic corrosion and protection materials 5.金属和金属制品 Metal and metal products 6.水(包括污水)的生物环境 Aquatic ( sewage include )bioenvironment 详见附页/For details,Please see the attached pages Testing And Verifying Center For Ship Materials On Corrosion And Protection Wenhai road,Aoshanwei,Jimo,Shandong
136 2022-08-04~ 2026-08-07 1.爆破片/Bursting disc 2.钢质无缝气瓶/Seamless steel gas cylinders 3.呼吸器用复合气瓶/Composite cylinders for breathing apparatus 4.石油气体管道阻火器/Flame arresters for petroleum gas pipeline systems 5.石油储罐阻火器/Flame arresters for petroleum tanks 6.波纹金属软管/Corrugated metal hose assemblies 7.金属波纹管膨胀节/Metal bellows expansion joints Shenyang Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Research No.9, West Chongshan Road, Huanggu District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R.China
137 2022-08-05~ 2026-08-04 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 Metizoft Asia Pte Ltd 531 Upper Cross Street #03-15 Hong Lim Complex Singapore 050531
138 2024-12-06~ 2026-07-28 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1.性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 1.4 可靠性试验/Reliability Test; 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems: 2.1.一般试验/General Test; 2.2.电源试验/Power Supply Test; 2.3.环境条件试验/Environmental Conditions Test; 2.4.电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.5.特殊试验/Special Purpose Test; 2.6.人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Test. 3.船载卫星导航系统接收设备性能试验(全球定位系统(GPS),全球定位系统(GLONASS),北斗卫星导航系统(BDS))/Shipborne Satellite navigation system receiving equipment Performance test (Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Positioning System (GLONASS), Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)), 北斗应急无线电示位标性能试验/BeiDou Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon Performance tests 详见附页/See the additional pages. Jiangsu Beidou Satellite Navigation Testing Center Co., Ltd. No. 24, Xuefu Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing City
139 2022-10-17~ 2026-07-22 1.船用电气号灯试验 Test for marine electric signal lighting fitting 2.船用照明灯具试验 Test for marine illumination lights 3.救生设备灯具试验 Test for position-indicating lights for life-saving appliance 4.防爆灯具试验 Tests for explosive luminaires 5.船用环境条件试验 Environment test for marine lighting fitting 详见附页/See additional page(s) Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research(SQI) (China National Lighting Fitting Quality Inspection and Testing Centre(CLTC)) 900 Jiang Yue Road,Shanghai,P.R.CHINA
140 2024-04-29~ 2026-07-10 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 ) Centre Testing International Pinbiao (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No.1351, Wanfang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
141 2022-06-20~ 2026-07-01 金属材料产品/Products of metal material 1 力学性能/Mechanical properties 2 化学分析/Chemical analysis 3 金相组织/Micro structure 4 无损检测/Non-destructive test 详见附页/For details, see the additional pages Lanzhou LS Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 516 of lanzhou city, gansu province lanzhou new area of the Yellow River road west
142 2024-10-29~ 2026-06-19 1.电气电子产品试验/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1.性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3.电源试验/Power Supply Test; 1.4.电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 1.5.特殊试验/Special Purpose Test; 1.6.安全性试验/Safety Test. 1.7人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Test. 1.8可靠性验证Reliability verification. 2.铅酸蓄电池产品试验/lead-acid batteries 3.锂离子电池(电池单体/模块/电池包/电池管理系统)产品试验/Lithium-ion batteries(battery cells/modules/packs/BMS) 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. CVC Testing Technology Co., Ltd. No.3, Tiantaiyi Road, Kaitai Avenue, Science City, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
143 2022-06-09~ 2026-06-08 1.金属材料类产品/Metal material products 2.船舶涂料类产品/Marine coating products 3.电气电子类产品/Electrical and electric products 4.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and system 5.船用照明灯具/Marine illumination lights Dalian Product Quality Inspection and Testing Institute Co., Ltd. Room 813, Bonded Building, Free Trade Zone, Dalian, Liaoning Province, P.R.China
144 2022-07-07~ 2026-05-31 船用柴油机NOx排放检测/Measurements of NOx Emission from Marine Diesel Engines Test Engineering Department of guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co.,Ltd No.88 Tianqian West Road,Yulin City,Guangxi
145 2022-06-08~ 2026-05-08 无石棉检测/Asbestos-free product testing CTC Beijing Technology Co., Ltd. Building 2, No.18, Tongji South Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing, China
146 2022-05-05~ 2026-05-08 1.船用柴油机氮氧化物排放检测 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 2.船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines Ship Inspection and Detection Technology Center of Jimei University No.185 Yinjiang Road,Jimei district Xiamen City, Fujian Province
147 2022-06-01~ 2026-04-29 1、车间底漆性能试验/Performance test for shop primer; 2、防锈漆性能试验/Performance test for anti-corrosive paint; 3、防污漆性能试验/Performance test for anti-fouling paint; 4、船壳漆性能试验/Performance test for topside paint; 5、甲板漆性能试验/Performance test for deck paint; 6、水线漆性能试验/Performance test for boottopping paint; 7、船舱漆性能试验/Performance test for hold paint; 8、所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所保护涂层性能试验/Test for coating qualification for dedicated seawater ballast tank of all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers; 9、原油油船货油舱保护涂层性能试验/Performance Test for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers; 10、防护漆性能试验/Performance test for protective paint. Marine Coatings Quality Test and Supervision Center of Chemical Industry No.4 Jinhu Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China
148 2022-03-28~ 2026-03-27 1、不燃性试验/Non-combustibility test 2、烟气和毒性试验/Smoke and toxicity test 3、 "A"级、"B" 级和"F" 级分隔试验/Test for A,B and F Class Divisions 4、表面可燃性试验/Fire Test for surface flammability 5、垂直悬挂纺织品和薄膜的阻火性能试验/Fire Test for vertically supported textiles and films 6、带有垫、套家具的试验/Fire Test for upholstered furniture 7、床上用品着火性试验/Fire Test for bedding components 8、高速船阻火材料试验/Test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed craft 9、高速船阻火分隔试验/Test for fire-restricting divisions of high-speed craft 10、“H”级防火分隔试验/Test for H Class Divisions Sichuan Fire Research Institute of MEM/National Quality Inspection and Testing Center for Fire Building Materials No.69,Jinke South Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan
149 2022-10-08~ 2026-03-20 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products; 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test. 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems: 2.1 一般试验/General Test; 2.2 环境条件试验/Environmental Conditions Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the attached pages. Fujian Electronic Product Supervion & Inspection Institute No.92 Fufei Road, Fuzhou City, Fujian
150 2024-11-28~ 2026-03-20 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products; 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test. 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems: 2.1 一般试验/General Test; 2.2 环境条件试验/Environmental Conditions Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the attached pages. Fujian Provincial Industrial and Information Industry Development Research Center No.92 Fufei Road, Fuzhou City, Fujian
151 2024-04-10~ 2026-03-03 1. 船舶电气设备环境试验 /Environmental Test for Ma a rine Electrical Equipment : 1.1 电气电子产品电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic Compatibility Test for Electric and Electronic Products; 1.2 电气电子产品环境试验/Environmental Test for Electric and Electronic Products; 1.3 照明灯具电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic Compatibility Test for Illumination Lights; 1.4 照明灯具环境试验/ Environmental Test for Illumination Lights. 2. 船舶通导设备试验/Marine Conduction Equipment Test: 2.1 船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备的电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment; 2.2 船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备的环境试验/Environmental Test for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment; 2.3 船载航行系统和设备性能试验/ Performance Test for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication System and Equipment. 详见附页/See the additional pages for detail. Ruice Calibration & Test Laboratory of 20th Institute of China Electronic Science & Technology Corporation No.1, Baisha Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
152 2022-03-04~ 2026-03-03 1. 船舶电气设备环境试验 /Environmental Test for Ma a rine Electrical Equipment : 1.1 电气电子产品电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic Compatibility Test for Electric and Electronic Products; 1.2 电气电子产品环境试验/Environmental Test for Electric and Electronic Products; 1.3 照明灯具电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic Compatibility Test for Illumination Lights; 1.4 照明灯具环境试验/ Environmental Test for Illumination Lights. 2. 船舶通导设备试验/Marine Conduction Equipment Test: 2.1 船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备的电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment; 2.2 船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备的环境试验/Environmental Test for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment; 3.3 船载航行系统和设备性能试验/ Performance Test for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication System and Equipment. 详见附页/See the additional pages for detail. Calibration & Test Laboratory of 20th Institute of China Electronic Science & Technology Corporation No.1, Baisha Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
153 2024-05-30~ 2026-03-02 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 ) Dazzle Marine Service Co.,Ltd. Room 201&202, Building 3, 3095 Hunan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
154 2022-03-10~ 2026-02-28 1 船用隔爆型防爆电气设备验证试验 Marine flameproof electronic equipment testing and verifying 2 船用增安型防爆电气设备验证试验 Marine increased safety electronic equipment testing and verifying 3 船用正压型防爆电气设备验证试验 Marine pressurized electronic equipment testing and verifying 4 船用本质安全型防爆电气设备验证试验 Marine intrinsically safe electronic equipment testing and verifying 5.船用环境条件试验:/ Marine environmental conditions test: ⑴.电源变化试验/ Voltage variation test ⑵.绝缘试验 / Insulation test ⑶.高温试验 / High temperature test ⑷.低温试验 / Low temperature test ⑸.湿热试验 / Humidity test ⑹.外壳防护试验 / Protective enclosures test ⑺.盐雾试验 / Salt mist test Nanyang Explosion Proof Electric Research Institute Co., Ltd No.20 North Zhongjing Road,Nanyang ,Henan, China
155 2024-04-08~ 2026-02-20 有害物质检测/ Tests for hazardous materials 详见附页/See additional page SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 3rd Building, No. 889, Yishan Road, Shanghai
156 2022-02-18~ 2026-02-20 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages SGS-CSTC Stangards Technical Services Co.,Ltd Guangzhou Branch No.198 Kezhu Road,Scientech Park,GETDD,Guangzhou
157 2022-02-18~ 2026-02-20 有害物质检测/ Tests for hazardous materials 详见附页/See additional page SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Testing Center 3rd Building, No. 889, Yishan Road, Shanghai
158 2024-07-12~ 2026-02-11 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of hazardous materials for ships 详见附页/For details,see additional pages GRG Metrology & Test Group Co.,Ltd. No.8, Chuangyun Road, Shiqi Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong,P.R.China
159 2024-07-12~ 2026-02-11 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1.电磁兼容性试验/ElectromagnTetic Compatibility Test; 1.2.人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Test; 1.3.电源试验/Power supply Test; 1.4.特殊试验/Special Purpose Test; 1.5.性能试验/Performance Test; 1.6.环境试验/Environmental Test. GRG Metrology & Test Group Co.,Ltd. No.8, Chuangyun Road, Shiqi Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong,P.R.China
160 2024-07-12~ 2026-02-11 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟 1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质 ) Visual/Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board(Including Hazardous Materials Listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009) and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 GRG Metrology & Test Group Co.,Ltd. No.8, Chuangyun Road, Shiqi Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong,P.R.China
161 2022-02-04~ 2026-02-05 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放测试 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines. 船舶发动机排气污染物检测 Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines Exhaust Gas Analysis Center of Dalian Maritime University No.1 Linghai Road, Dalian, Liaoning Prov., PR Chnia
162 2022-01-27~ 2026-01-27 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic product: 1.1.性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and system: 2.1.操作试验/Operation Test; 2.2.电源试验/Power Supply Test; 2.3.环境条件试验/Environmental Conditions Test; 2.4.电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.5.特殊试验/Special Purpose Test; 2.6.人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Measurement. (详见附页/Refer to Additional Pages) Labotech International Co.,Ltd 1-16, Fukazu-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, Japan
163 2024-06-17~ 2026-01-27 防火材料和防火分隔耐火试验(IMO 2010年FTP规则第1部分、第3部分、第5部分) Fire test of fireproof materials and fire divisions (IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 1, Part 3, Part 5) Shanghai Fire Research Institute of Ministry Emergency Management (National Center for Quality Inspection and Test of Fire Fighting Equipment) 391 Xihuan Road,Minhang District,Shanghai
164 2022-01-20~ 2026-01-24 1.自动化设备、仪表及传感器:性能试验、环境试验、防爆试验、电磁兼容试验、电气安全试验、可靠性试验与评定 Automatic equipment, instrument and sensor: performance test , environmental test, explostion-protection test, EMC test, test of electrical safety, test and evaluation of reliability 2.船用软件:功能安全评估、软件评估 Software for marine: functional safety evaluation, software evaluation Shanghai Inspection and Testing Institute of Instruments and Automatic Systems Co., Ltd.(SITIIAS) 103, Caobao Road, Shanghai
165 2022-03-02~ 2026-01-12 1. 船用金属材料检测Inspection of marine metal materials 2. 牺牲阳极检测Inspection of sacrificial anode 3. 焊接试样检测Inspection of welded sample 4. 石棉检测Testing of asbestos 5. 发泡材料检测Testing of foamed materials 6. 船用低压空气断路器检测Testing of Low-voltage air circuit-breaker for ships 7. 应急拖带装置试验Testing of Emergency towing 8. 船舶舾装设备拉力试验Tensile test of marine outfitting equipment Zhoushan Institute of Calibration and Testing for Quality and Technology Supervision No.49 Honglu Avenue,Beichan Xingang Development Zone,Dinghai District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province
166 2021-12-14~ 2026-01-07 船用发动机氮氧化物排放测试 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Engines 船舶发动机排气污染物检测 Test of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines The Measurement Center of Engine Emission of Wuhan University of Technology 1040 Peace Road, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
167 2022-03-07~ 2026-01-04 1.船舶电气设备/Marine Electrical Equipment: 1.1.性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems: 2.1.性能试验/Performance Test; 2.2.环境试验/Environmental Test; 2.3.电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.4.人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Test. 3.船用电气号灯/Marine electric signal lighting fitting 3.1.外观检查/Visual inspection; 3.2.性能试验/Performance Test; 3.3.环境试验/Environmental Test; 3.4.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 详见附页/See additional page(s) Wenzhou Quality and Technology Testing Research Institute NO.2408, Shiyi Road,Binhai District, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wenzhou
168 2022-07-25~ 2025-12-20 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electric products: 1.1.环境试验/Environment test; 1.2.防爆性能试验/Explosion-proof performance test; 1.3.电动机型式试验/Type approval test for electro-motor. 详见附页 For details, please see the additional pages. Jiamusi Explosion-Proof Electric Machine Institute Co., Ltd. No.3 Anqing Street,Jiamusi City,Heilongjiang Province,P.R.China
169 2021-12-08~ 2025-12-07 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1 基本试验/Basic test; 1.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test; 2. 船用无线电通信设备和船载航行系统及设备/Marine radio communication equipment and navigation systems and equipment : 2.1 一般试验/General test; 2.2 电源试验/Power supply test; 2.3 环境试验/Environmental test; 2.4 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test; 2.5 人身安全试验/Safety precautions test. EMTEK (Shenzhen)Co., Ltd. Building 69, Majialong Industry Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,Guangdong, China
170 2021-12-08~ 2025-12-07 船舶生活污水水质检测/Water quality test of ship sewage. 总氮、总磷的检测不适用于国际航行船舶/The test of total nitrogen and total phosphorus is not applicable to ships on international voyages. 具体检测项目及检测方法详见附页/See the attached page for specific test items and test methods. Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering, M.O.T. No. 37, Xingang Erhao Road, Tanggu, Binhai New Area, Tianjin City, China
171 2021-12-01~ 2025-11-30 (1)金属材料/Metal Materials: 力学性能/Mechanics Performance,耐疲劳性能/Fatigue resistance, 抗断裂韧性/Fracture resistance toughness,物理性能/physical performance, 耐腐蚀性能/corrosion resistance,金相组织/metallographic structure, 钢铁及合金化学成分分析/Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloys, 有色金属化学分析/Chemical analysis of non‐ferrous metals; (2)润滑油/Lubricating oil: 油品理化分析/Physical and chemical analysis of oil products,元素含量分析/Element content analysis。 China United Test and Evaluation (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. No.80 B[28]C1-E-20, Siliu South Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China
172 2021-11-29~ 2025-11-28 机械接头型式试验 The type testing of mechanical joints 1,密性试验:液体密性最大试验压力100MPa,气体密性最大试验压力10 MPa。 Tightness test,the maximum pressure of hydraulic test is 100MPa, the maximum pressure of air tightness test is 10MPa. 2,振动(疲劳)试验:最大振幅25mm。 Vibration (fatigue) test,the maximum amplitude is 25mm. 3,压力脉冲试验:最大脉冲峰值压力50MPa。 Pressure pulsation test,the maximum peak pressure of the pulsation is 100MPa. 4,爆破压力试验:最大试验压力100MPa。 Burst pressure test,the maximum pressure of hydraulic test is 100MPa. 5,脱拉试验:最大试验压力25Mpa,最大轴向脱拉力50000N。 Pull-out test,the maximum pressure of hydraulic test is 25MPa, and the maximum axial loading is 50000N. 6,耐火试验:试验方法基于ISO19921标准,不具备基于ISO1182标准的试验能力。 Fire endurance test,the test can be carried out according to ISO19921, and the non-combustibility test according to ISO1182 can not be carried out. 7,真空试验:绝对压力17.0kPa。 Vacuum test,the test pressure is 17.0kPa absolute. 8,重复装配试验 Repeated assembly test The Marine Environment Engineering and Reliability Laboratory of No.704 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation No.160, Xinpan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
173 2021-12-13~ 2025-11-01 1.金属材料类产品/Metallic material products: 1.1 钢铁及合金化学成分分析/Iron,steel and alloys chemical analysis 1.2 铜及铜合金化学成分分析/Copper and copper alloys chemical analysis 1.3 铝及铝合金化学成分分析/Aluminium and aluminium allors chemical analysis 1.4 锌及锌合金化学成分分析/Zin and zine alloys chemical analysis 1.5 铝-锌-铟合金牺牲阳极化学成分分析/Sacrifcial anodes of Al-Zn-In system alloys chemical analysis 1.6 锌-铝-镉合金牺牲阳极化学成分分析/Sacrifcial anodes of Al-Zn-Cd system alloys chemical analysis 1.7 力学性能/Mechanical properties 1.8 金相检验/Metallographic test 1.9 不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验/Intergranular corrosion test of stainless steels 1.10 焊件破断试验/Destrutive test on welds 1.11 材料和机械零部件失效分析/Failure analysis of materials and mechanical parts 1.12 牺牲阳极电化学性能试验/Electrochemical performance test of sacrifcial anodes 1.13 铝合金腐蚀试验/Corrosion test of aluminum alloys Guangzhou Phyaical/Chemical Laboratory and Metrology Center of M&E Industry Shibei Industry Area Dashi Panyu,Guangzhou
174 2021-10-11~ 2025-10-27 1.金属材料类产品/Metallic Materials Products 1.1机械性能试验 Mechanical properties test 1.2焊接工艺试验 Welding procedure test 1.3金相检验Metallographic examination 1.4腐蚀试验Corrosion test 1.5化学成分分析Chemical analysis 1.6电化学性能Electrochemical properties Metrology and Testing Laboratory of Guangzhou Shipyard International Co.,Ltd. No.18, Qihang Road,Longxue,Nansha District, Guangzhou,Guangdong.
175 2021-08-18~ 2025-10-20 1、船用产品空气辐射噪声及结构噪声检测 Testing of airborne noise emitted by marine product and structure-borne noise induced by marine product 2、船用隔声结构空气声隔声指数检测 Testing of airborne sound insulation index for marine sound insulation structures Acoustical Measuring & Testing Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences NO.21, North 4th Ring, Beijing,China
176 2022-07-20~ 2025-10-17 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products 1.1外观检查/Visual check 1.2绝缘电阻测量/Insulation resistant test 1.3耐电压试验/High voltage test 1.4环境试验/Environment test 1.5 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test 详见附页/For details,please see the additional pages. Liaoning Electronic Information Product Supervision & Inspection Institute No.2, Taiyuan North Street, Heping District, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
177 2021-10-18~ 2025-10-17 船用通信电缆、船用低压电力电缆、船用中压电力电缆试验项目/Test items of marine communication cable, marine low voltage power cable and marine medium voltage power cable. 具体项目详见附件/For specific items, please refer to the attached page. Shanghai National Center of Testing and Inspection for Electric Cable and Wire Co., Ltd. No.888, Zhenchen Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, P.R. China, 200444
178 2021-12-16~ 2025-10-15 1.船用产品空气辐射噪声及结构噪声检测 Testing of airborne noise emitted by marine product and structure-borne noise induced by marine product 2.船用隔声结构空气声隔声指数检测 Testing of airborne sound insulation index for marine sound insulation structures School of Naval Architecture,Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics,Dalian University of Technology No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province
179 2022-03-31~ 2025-10-10 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1. 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2. 环境试验/Environmental Test. 详见附页/For details, please see the additional page. Transportation telecommunication and information engineering quanty testing center No.1 Waiguanhoushen,Andingmenwai,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China
180 2022-02-23~ 2025-10-07 1、柴油机氮氧化物排放检测/Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Diesel Engines 2、船舶发动机排气污染物(中国第一、二阶段)GB15097排放检测/Test of Emission of marine engine exhaust pollutants (China's first and second stages) gb15097 China Classification Society Certification Co.,Ltd. 40 Dong Huang Cheng Gen Nan Jie,Beijing, 100006,P.R.China
181 2023-11-24~ 2025-09-26 1. 金属材料类产品/Metal material products: 1.1 化学分析/Chemical analysis; 1.2 力学性能/Mechanical properties; 1.3 其它试验/Other tests. 2. 非金属材料类产品/Non-metallic material products: 2.1 塑料管材及油漆涂料试验/Plastics pipe and paint test(见附页/See aditional pages). Jiangsu Chengxin Inspection Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. No.188, Dongwaihuan Road, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province
182 2021-08-10~ 2025-09-23 1、船用产品空气辐射噪声及结构噪声检测 Testing of airborne noise emitted by marine product and structure-borne noise induced by marine product 2、船用隔声结构空气声隔声指数检测 Testing of airborne sound insulation index for marine sound insulation structures 详见附页/Please see additional page Testing and Calibration Laboratory of Vibration and Noise of CSIC No.711 Research Institute No.3111 HuaNing Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
183 2024-04-25~ 2025-09-14 有害物质检测/ Tests for hazardous materials 详见附页/See additional page Shanghai ULS Testing Technology Co.,Ltd. Room 303, building 5, 999 Jiangyue Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
184 2024-04-25~ 2025-09-14 船舶有害物质外观/取样检查(包括《2009年香港国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》附录1、附录2和《欧盟1257/2013号法规》所列有害物质) Visual / Sampling Checks of Hazardous Materials on Board (Including Hazardous Materials listed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 and Regulation (EU) No.1257/2013 ) Shanghai ULS Testing Technology Co.,Ltd. Room 303, building 5, 999 Jiangyue Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
185 2021-09-27~ 2025-09-11 1.金属材料类产品/Metal material products: 1.1 化学分析/Chemical analysis; 1.2 力学性能/Mechanical properties; 1.3 其他试验/Other tests; 2.非金属材料类产品/Nonmetallic material products: 2.1聚乙烯管材、管件和原料试验/polyethylene pipes and fittings Test. 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. Jiangsu Fasten Material Analysis & Inspecting Co., Ltd. No. 18, West Huate Rd., Shizhuang Town, Jiangyin
186 2021-11-18~ 2025-09-10 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1.性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2.环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 2.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems: 2.1.一般试验/General Test; 2.2.电源试验/Power Supply Test; 2.3.环境条件试验/Environmental Conditions Test; 2.4.电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.5.特殊试验/Special Purpose Test; 2.6.人身安全试验/Safety Precautions Test. 详见附页/See additional page(s) China Shipbuilding Industry Environment and Reliability Test Centre for Electric and Electronic Equipment No..166, Linjiang Road, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu
187 2021-09-14~ 2025-09-03 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products; 1.1.电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test. 详见附页/See attached page for details. EMC Test Center of China Ship Industrial Corporation 268 Zhangzhidong Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province
188 2021-08-30~ 2025-08-30 电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 环境试验/Environmental Test. Test and Inspection Center of Tianjin Aerospace Relia Technology Co.,Ltd. No.9,Zhongbei 3rd Street,West Zone of TEDA, Tianjin,China
189 2021-08-30~ 2025-08-29 船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines Yulin Institute of Measurement & Testing NO.1520,yubo road , Yuchai Industrial Park,Yulin
190 2024-06-14~ 2025-08-20 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 2.航行和无线电通信设备/Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment: 2.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 2.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 2.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 3. 船用照明灯具/Marine illumination lighting: 3.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 3.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 3.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 4. 船用电气号灯/ Marine electric signal lighting fitting: 4.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 4.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 4.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 5. 发电机、电动机/Generator,Motor: 5.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 5.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 5.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 6. 船用锂离子电池单体、铅酸蓄电池/Marine lithium battery cell, Lead-acid battery: 6.1 性能试验/ Performance test; 6.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 6.3 环境适应性试验/Environmental test; 7.电池管理系统/ Battery Management System: 7.1 性能试验/ Performance test; 7.2 环境适应性试验/ Environmental test; 7.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 8.通用软件产品/General software products 8.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 9.低压开关设备和控制设备/Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear 9.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 9.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 9.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 10.低压成套开关设备和控制设备/Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. 10.1 性能试验/Performance Test; 10.2 环境试验/Environmental Test; 10.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 具体详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Fujian Inspection and Research Institute for Product Quality No.6, Shuang Feng Road, Hongshan Town, Gulou District,Fuzhou City
191 2023-09-22~ 2025-08-20 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1. 环境试验/Environmental Tests; 1.2. 电磁兼容性试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests; 1.3. 电源试验/Power Supply Tests; 1.4. 安全性试验/Safety Tests; 1.5. 性能试验/Performance Tests. 详见附页/For details, please see the additional page(s). Guangdong Testing Institute of Product Quality Supervision No.10, Science Avenue, Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
192 2021-12-20~ 2025-08-11 1、船舶锂电池/Marine lithium battery: 1.1 性能试验/ Performance test; 1.2 安全性试验/ Safety test; 1.3 环境适应性试验 Environmental test; 2、电池管理系统/ Battery management system: 2.1 环境适应性试验/ Environmental test; 详见证书附页./For details, please see the additional pages. Testing Department of National Battery Innovation Center , China Automotive Battery Research Institute Co., Ltd. No.11, Xingke East Street, Yanqi Economic Development Zone, Huairou District, Beijing
193 2021-08-10~ 2025-08-09 电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products; 1. 环境试验/Environmental Test; 2. 电气产品性能试验/Performance Test of Electric Products; 2.1 推进电机/Propulsion Motor; 2.2 吊舱推进器/Podded Propulsor; 2.3 发电机/Generator; 2.4 发电机组/Generator Set; 2.5 变频器/Converter; 2.6 断路器/Circuit-breakers; 2.7 动力锂电池单体/Lithium-ion Cells for the Propulsion of Electric Vehicles; 2.8 动力锂电池模块、动力锂电池包/Lithium-ion Modules and Packs for the Propulsion of Electric Vehicles; 2.9 动力锂电池管理系统/Lithium-ion Battery Management System for the Propulsion of Electric Vehicles. 清单详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. Test and Inspection Center for Electrical Products of China Shipbuilding Industry Co.,Ltd. The No.1 of Nanhu Qixiao Hongshan District,Wuhan,Hubei
194 2021-07-30~ 2025-07-29 1.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products: 1.1.安全性试验/Safety Tests; 1.2.性能试验/Performance Tests; 1.3.电源试验/Power Supply Test; 1.4.环境试验/Environmental Tests。 详见附页/For details,please see the attached sheets. FOSHAN SUPERVISION TESTING CENTER OF QUALITY AND METROLOGY No.2,Kehui road,Luogeyuan,Jihuaxi,Chancheng Distrect,Foshan City,Guangdong province,China
195 2021-07-20~ 2025-07-19 防火材料/Fireproof materials 1.不燃性试验/Non-combustibility test 2.烟气和毒性试验/Smoke and toxicity test 3.表面可燃性试验/Fire Test for surface flammability 4.软垫家具试验/Fire Test for upholstered furniture 5.床上用品试验/Fire Test for bedding components 6.总燃烧热值的测定/Determination of the gross heat of combustion Intertek Testing Services(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd. 1-6F,Block B,No.7, Guiyuan Road, Huayuan Hi-Tech Park, Tianjin, 300384,China
196 2022-02-22~ 2025-06-23 1.电子电气产品/Electrical and electronic products 1.1. 性能试验/Performance Test 1.2. 环境试验/Environmental Test 2.防爆电气产品/Explosion protected Electrical Products 2.1.防爆性能试验/Explosion-proof Performance Test 3.三相异步电动机/Three-phase Induction Motors 3.1.性能试验/Performance Test 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. National Explosion-proof Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center(TianJin) No.85 No.3 Road DingZiGu Tianjin China
197 2024-06-24~ 2025-06-22 有害物质检测/ Tests for hazardous materials 详见附页/See additional page Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Research Institute Co.,Ltd. (China National Center for Quality Inspection and Test of Electrical Apparatus Products) No.5 Qianzhu Rd.,Yuexi,Wuzhong District,Suzhou,Jiangsu Province No.7 Yonghe Street, Binhe Road, New District,Suzhou,Jiangsu Province
198 2023-07-17~ 2025-06-01 1 电器产品/Electrical products 1.1 船用高压电器性能试验/Marine High-voltage electrical products Performance test. 1.2 船用低压电器性能试验/Marine Low-voltage electrical products Performance test. 1.3 环境试验/Environmental test. 1.4 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility test. 1.5 风力发电设备、太阳能光伏发电设备/ Wind power generation equipment, Solar photovoltaic power generation equipment. 1.6 照明电器/Electric lighting. 1.7 信息电子设备/Electronic information equipment. 1.8 电机/Electric Motor. 1.9 防爆产品/Explosion-proof products. Suzhou Electrical Apparatus Science Research Institute Co.,Ltd. (China National Center for Quality Inspection and Test of ElectricalApparatusProducts) No.5 Qianzhu Rd.,Yuexi,Wuzhong District,Suzhou No.7 Yonghe Street, Binhe Road, New District, Suzhou
199 2021-05-21~ 2025-05-21 1 船用通信导航产品/Marine navigation products 1.1 船用无线电通信设备性能试验/Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment performance test. 1.2 船载航行系统性能试验/Ship navigation system and equipment performance test. 1.3 船用环境条件试验/Test for the environment in ships. 1.4 电磁兼容性试验/EMC test. 详见附页/For details,please see the atteched sheet. Measure and Test Center of No.36 Research institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation No.387 Hongxing road Jiaxing, Zhejiang
200 2024-08-06~ 2025-05-21 1 船用通信导航产品/Marine navigation products 1.1 船用无线电通信设备性能试验/Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment performance test. 1.2 船载航行系统性能试验/Ship navigation system and equipment performance test. 1.3 船用环境条件试验/Test for the environment in ships. 1.4 电磁兼容性试验/EMC test. 1.5 网络安全测试(包含网络及节点)/Cyber resilience test(Including networks and nodes). 详见附页/For details,please see the atteched sheet. Measure and Test Center of No.36 Research institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation No.387 Hongxing road Jiaxing, Zhejiang
201 2022-12-05~ 2025-04-22 1. 电气电子产品/Electrical and electronic products: 1.1. 安全性试验/Safety Tests; 1.2. 性能试验/Performance Tests; 1.3. 电源试验/Power Supply Tests; 1.4. 环境试验/Environmental Tests. 详见附页/For details, please see the additional page(s). Guangzhou MCM Certification & Testing Co., Ltd. Room 101 to 116 & 216, Building 2 (Office Building and Workshop)No. 45 Zhong Er Section of Shiguang Road, Zhongcun Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China.
202 2024-12-23~ 2025-04-18 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of Hazardous Materials on Board GRG Metrology & Test (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. No. 8 Ningyun Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province
203 2021-04-19~ 2025-04-18 船舶有害物质检测/Testing of Hazardous Materials on Board Guangzhou GRG Metrology & Test Wuxi Co., Ltd. No.200, Linghu Road, Taihu International Science and Technology Park, Wuxi Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu
204 2023-01-17~ 2025-04-06 1、船舶电气电子产品/ Marine electrical and electronic products: 1.1 电性能试验/ Electrical performance test; 1.2 环境试验/ Environmental test; 1.3 电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic compatibility test; 2、船舶岸电电气产品/ Marine shore power electrical products: 2.1 电性能试验/ Electrical performance test; 2.2 环境试验/ Environmental test; 2.3 电磁兼容试验/ Electromagnetic compatibility test; China Waterborne Transport Research Institute No.8,Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China
205 2021-03-25~ 2025-03-24 1.金属材料/Metallic Materials 1.1 机械性能测试/Mechanical properties test 1.2 化学成分分析/Chemical analysis 1.3 腐蚀性能试验/Corrosion resistant properties test 1.4 金相检验/Metallographic test 1.5焊接接头和焊接试样试验/Welded joint and welded specimen test 2.非金属材料/Non-metallic materials 2.1.硬质泡沫塑料(全性能试验)/Rigid cellular plastics(Full performance test) 2.2.纤维增强塑料(全性能试验)/Fiber-reinforced plastics(Full performance test) Guangdong Torch Testing Co.,Ltd. Zone A, 1st Floor, Building 1, No.28, Yanjiang East First Road, Torch Development Zone, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province
206 2021-03-15~ 2025-03-14 1. 船用金属材料检测Inspection of marine metal materials 2. 焊接试样检测Inspection of welded sample Ningbo Academy of Product and Food Quality Inspection(Ningbo Fibre Inspection Institute) Building D, No.1588, Jiangnan Road, Hi-Tech Zone, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
207 2022-11-03~ 2025-03-05 船载北斗卫星导航系统(BDS含GPS、GLONASS)接收机、北斗应急无线电示位标/Shipborne Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS,GPS) Receiver Equipment,BD-EPIRB: 1、性能试验/Performance tests[详见附页/See additional page(s)] 2、环境条件试验/Environmental tests 3、电磁兼容试验/EMC tests SIMT No.1500 Zhangheng Road, Shanghai
208 2021-02-26~ 2025-02-25 船用柴油机氮氧化物排放检测 Test of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines 船舶发动机排气污染物排放检测 Test of Emission of Exhaust Pollutants from Marine Engines FOSHAN SUPERVISION TESTING CENTER OF QUALITY AND METROLOGY No.2,Kehui road,Luogeyuan,Jihuaxi,Chancheng Distrect,Foshan City,Guangdong province,China
209 2024-11-29~ 2025-02-21 1.船载北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)/全球定位系统(GPS)接收设备 Shipborne Beidou Satellite Navigation System(BDS)/Global Positioning System(GPS) Receiver Equipment 1.1 性能测试/Performance Test; 2.北斗应急无线电示位标 BDS Satellite Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon 2.1 性能测试/Performance Test; 3.电气电子产品/Electrical and Electronic Products 3.1 环境试验/Environmental Test; 3.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 4.航行和无线电通信设备及系统/Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment and Systems 4.1 环境试验/Environmental Test; 4.2 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic Compatibility Test; 详见附页/For details, please see the additional pages. Beijing Orient Inst. of Metrology & Test(National satellite application product quality supervision & Inspection Center) 82# Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing China
210 2021-02-08~ 2025-02-07 1. 电气电子产品/Electric and Electronic Products: 1.1 性能试验/Performance Test 1.2 环境试验/Environmental Test 1.3 电磁兼容试验/Electromagnetic compatibility Inspection Metrology and Software Testing Evaluation Center of Southwest Computer CO. Ltd Nanping Guangdian Road NO.1 ,Nan'an District,Chongqing
12 210 in total