CCS Guidelines on Assessment of the Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria for Ships (2024) will take effect on July 1st.
CCS Guidelines on Assessment of the Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria for Ships (2024) will take effect on July 1st. Considering the risk of dynamic stability failure accidents of ships as reflected in international and domestic maritime accidents and survey of ships in service, the Guidelines have provided criteria assessment methods and technical requirements regarding typical risks of dynamic stability failure accidents. The Guidelines have not only filled the gap in technical requirements for stability in China, but also provided necessary guidance for risk avoidance for the shipping industry.
The technical key points include:
1. Carrying out dynamic stability assessment on international seagoing vessels usingvulnerability criteria in MSC.1/Circ.1627 Circular.
2. Determining three dynamic stability failure modes for domestic seagoing vessels.
3. Determining representative sea conditions for three navigation zones in domestic waters.
4. Developing criteria assessment methods and equivalent alternative assessment methods.
5. Specifying special technical requirements for special ships and compliance verification for unverified loading conditions.
6. Specifying high-precision calculation methods for ship moment of inertia, etc.
The Guidelines will contribute to reducing from the origin the risk of ships navigating in adverse sea conditions, enhancing the safety of life at sea and the security of ships/cargoes, and improving the quality of ship surveys and maritime supervision through technological upgrading.
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