The current position:

Guidelines For Implementation Of Statutory Surveys (Ships Engaged on International Voyages)

release time:2022-12-29 14:12

CCS undertakes statutory survey services for ships, when so authorized by the Administration of the flag States. The Guidelines for Implementation of Statutory Surveys (refer to the Guidelines hereinafter) have been developed as guidance to the parties related to the design, construction, repair, maintenance and survey/audit of the ships and marine products, for the purpose of improving the application and implementation of the requirements of IMO/ILO Conventions and Codes ratified by the flag States, and the requirements of the flag States/port States.

The Guidelines are divided into four(4) parts:

Part I of the Guidelines is based on IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) Unified Interpretations, some Recommendations and Cape Town Agreement Relating To the International Convention For the Safety of Fishing Vessels. For these Unified Interpretations (UIs) contained therein which have not been submitted to and accepted by IMO, ships entitled to fly the flag of Hong Kong, China or Singapore or Australia do not apply to these UIs unless explicit acceptance as stated by the flag Administrations. Part I of the Guidelines has updated to the latest version of June. 2024 which is to prevail.

Part II of the Guidelines is based on special requirements of the flag States/port States, incorporating special requirements of the flag States authorizing CCS to carry out statutory surveys and special requirements of the relevant port States. The special requirements of the flag States only apply to entitled to fly the flag of the States. In addition, the special requirements of the port States apply to ships needing to berth alongside the port of the State. Part II includes Part II-1 (i.e. survey and inspection requirements stipulated by the flag State) and Part II-2 (i.e. audit requirements stipulated by the flag States/port States), both of them have updated by on-line real-time means.
For Part II-1, please refer to

Part III of the Guidelines is based on IMO resolution A.1120(30), i.e. Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2017. Part III of the Guidelines has updated to the latest version of June 2024 which is to prevail.

Part IV of the Guidelines is based on relevant circulars and resolutions adopted recently by ASSEMBLY, Maritime Safety Committee and Marine Environment Protection Committee of IMO with the view to explain how to implement the non-mandatory instruments adopted by IMO/ILO. Part IV has updated to the latest version of Dec. 2023 which is to prevail.

The Guidelines are guidance notes to the implementation of statutory services by CCS, and nothing in the Guidelines is to prejudice current IMO/ILO Conventions and Codes and special requirements of the flag States/port States. Unless explicitly stated or interpreted otherwise by the Administration of the flag States, Part I, Part III and Part IV of the Guidelines apply to all CCS-classed ships engaged on international voyages and all ships complying with relevant international conventions.

The Guidelines will be modified by CCS, depending on the feedback from their application, the special requirements of the flag States/port States, the modification of IACS Unified Interpretations, and any change to the flag States authorizing CCS. In case of any conflict of the Guidelines with the original English text, the original English text is to prevail.

Download link:
Part IV Guidelines for implementation of Staturory Surveys((Ships Eegaged On Intertnational Voyages)【Ver.202312】(for publicaiton)20231230.pdf
Download link:
Guidelines For Implementation Of Staturory Surveys( Part 3)【Ver 202406】 Consolidated edition 20240630.pdf
Download link:
Guidelines Fo Implementation Of Staturory Surveys(Ships Engaged On International Voyages, Part I)20240630.pdf
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