ࡱ> HKG R_bjbj$$8>F|F|Q dd8$:;(666$O2-66666HVVV6V6VVV@cY7:V 0;V3 L3V3V866V66666V666;66663666666666d, :  CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY REQUEST FOR DOCUMENT REVIEW/APPROVAL We hereby request China Classification Society to approve Ship Security Plan and/or review Declaration of Maritime Labour CompliancePart II in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 1974, ISPS Code and/or Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. We agree to pay the certification fee and any other expenses incurred by the certification. Name of Ship Call SignFlag*Type of ShipPort of RegistryGross TonnageClass NoIMO NoYear of BuiltKinds of SSP Approval:First % Modification %Kind of DMLC-II Review First % Modification %Name of payerTax No. of registry Management Company who is responsible for the security of the A.M. vessel NameAddressCompany ID.ContactFax NoPhone NoE-mail The Last Organization which approved SSP: Approval No. * Shipowner or Company who has assumed the responsibility under MLC, 2006 NameAddressCompany ID.ContactFax NoPhone NoE-mail P Port State Control Status Relating To Ship Security and/or MLC: Change of ISPS documents and/or DMLC PART II: Remark: please submit the relevant documents for approval/review attached with the application. 1. SSP: SSP and Ship Security Assessment, the training certificate for Company Security Officer. 2. DMLC-II: DMLC-I&II, all company documents referred in DMLC-II and the documents list (version and date), Certificate or Document of Compliance for accommodation, Seafarer Employment Agreement. *. Type of ship: please insert the type as below: Passenger ship, Passenger high-speed craft, Cargo high-speed craft, Bulk carrier Oil tanker, Chemical tanker, Gas carrier, Mobile offshore drilling unit, Other cargo ship. If the ships type is more than one, please insert accordingly, such as Oil tanker/Chemical tanker, etc. if the ship belongs to Other cargo ship, please describe the specific type as classification certificate. *. If the name of MLC Shipowner is same as the Safety Management Company, please insert the same as the Safety Management CompanyMarks to be used:  FORMCHECKBOX  Applicable  FORMCHECKBOX  Not applicable Applicant: (Stamp) Date: (Rev.0 20170901-1/1)     Lip  A f   ( 8 :   f h j l ̿ttiih,hefPJaJhNhef5PJ\aJhefPJaJmH o(sH hef5PJ\aJhefPJaJo( hefo(hefhO4IhefPJaJhefPJaJh QhefCJPJaJhef5CJPJ\aJhd*5CJPJ\aJhd*hef5CJ PJ\aJ hefCJPJaJ)Li  * , 6 8 $$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdef<7$8$H$VD^?@AHżhefB*CJPJaJphhefCJaJhm8.hefCJaJhef5\aJh)hefaJ hefaJh)hef5PJaJhef5PJaJhefPJaJo(hef5PJ\aJhefhefPJaJ3" # $ o p u ~l/l<kd$$Ifl;$''44 laytef$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdef 7$8$G$H$gdefukd$$Ifl\; $O+'44 laytefu v w  MOkd~$$Ifl0;$'44 laytefOkd$$$Ifl0;$'44 laytef$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdef $$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdefOkd$$Ifl0;$'44 laytef wwww$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdefukd2$$Ifl\;+ $/ '44 laytef 7 8 w:w<kd$$Ifl;$''44 laytef$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdefukd$$Ifl\;+ $/ '44 laytef `Okd$$Ifl0;$'44 laytef$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdef<kdj$$Ifl;$''44 laytef MOkdj$$Ifl0;$'44 laytef$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdefOkd$$Ifl0;$'44 laytef wwww$$7$8$G$H$Ifa$gdefukd$$Ifl\;+ $/ '44 laytef  |gXD$7$8$H$IfVD^gdef$7$8$G$H$Ifgdef$7$8$G$H$IfVD^gdef 7$8$H$`gdefukd: $$Ifl\;+ $/ '44 laytef >?@AsaIIUd$G$IfWD^`Ugdefd$7$8$G$H$Ifgdef>kd $$Ifl(;%''44 laytef $7$8$H$Ifgdef>kd $$Iflr;%''44 laytef]^e|$%&'9:HIJKZ⫥uiZij hD"5CJUjhD"5CJUj hD"5CJU hef5CJjhef5CJUhefCJPJaJhef hefaJ!hm8.hefB*CJPJaJph!h3iYhefB*CJPJaJph)h2iLhefB*CJOJPJQJaJphhefB*CJPJaJphhefB*CJPJaJo(ph|[z;QSTvvvvmhfgdw 7$8$H$gdef$7$8$H$`a$gdef $7$8$H$a$gdef<kdP $$Ifl;%''44 laytefLd$G$IfWD^`LgdefUd$G$IfWD^`Ugdef Z'9;<=@CFKPQRTUWXZ[^_¬󢔄vrjfjfjfjfrhD"jhD"Uh8|hd*B*CJPJaJphhefB*CJPJaJo(phhefB*CJPJaJphhefCJPJaJhm8.hef5PJ\aJhefPJaJhm8.hef>*PJaJhm8.hef>*PJaJo(hm8.hefPJaJo(hm8.hefPJaJhef5CJPJ\aJTVWYZ\]^_ 7$8$H$gdefgdw6182P:pef. 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