The current position:

Green Ecological Shipping Laboratory

release time:2020-12-07 16:12
As global warming accelerates and human awareness of environmental protection increases, it has become the consensus of human society to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the goal of global temperature control. Although shipping is the cleanest and most efficient mode of transportation, IMO has taken the initiative to shoulder responsibility for reducing emissions from shipping by establishing entry barriers and ensuring both "good manufacturing" and "good management". For this purpose, IMO has issued the preliminary strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping and phasing out shipping greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible in this century.

As global warming accelerates and human awareness of environmental protection increases, it has become the consensus of human society to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the goal of global temperature control. Although shipping is the cleanest and most efficient mode of transportation, IMO has taken the initiative to shoulder responsibility for reducing emissions from shipping by establishing entry barriers and ensuring both "good manufacturing" and "good management". For this purpose, IMO has issued the preliminary strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping and phasing out shipping greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible in this century.

Whether for technical or operational energy efficiency measures, a practical problem is how to evaluate and verify the effect of energy saving and emission reduction. Ship types and tonnages vary, shipping routes differ, and the weather environment on the routes ever change, so it is necessary to develop shipping green ecological assessment and verification technologies and standards from multiple perspectives, in multiple directions and at multiple levels, by means of data analysis, simulation modeling, and full-scale ship verification.

Focusing on the green ecological technologies for ships, the Integrated Green Ecological Laboratory gives full consideration to the requirements of government authorities, IMO and industry organizations' shipping green ecological laws, regulations and norms to carry out technical evaluation and verification services for ship energy efficiency, greenhouse gas and pollutant emission control, and issue evaluation and verification reports or technical certificates, so as to promote the high-quality development of shipping green ecology.



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China Classification Society -> Scientific Innovation and Test Center

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