ࡱ> [ Rbjbj8ΐΐ%z%z%222222228332Vw5w66667j+8,W8QUSUSUSUSUSUSU$YN\HwU2o877o8o8wU22664dV.uAuAuAo8 2626QUuAo8QUuAuARIeK60&2{<ZJ=UV<VJf\@]<eK\r]$2eK o8o8uAo8o8o8o8o8wUwUuAo8o8o8Vo8o8o8o8]o8o8o8o8o8o8o8o8o8z% 1: -N V 9 ~ >y CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY ^ 8n G [ V / h g R OS SURVEY SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR NEWBUILDING YACHT'S SERVICES yQyQBl-NV9~>y[ N8nGۏL We hereby request China Classification Society to carry out the following services for the yacht mentioned below:  FORMCHECKBOX 9~V~[yb Plan Approval for Classification FORMCHECKBOX ^ -NeQ~h Classification Survey during Construction FORMCHECKBOX l[V~[yb Plan Approval for Statutory Requirements FORMCHECKBOX ^ -Nl[h Statutory Survey during Construction FORMCHECKBOX W_hT~Gv^ h, fNS Survey during Construction in compliance with Type Examination Certificate, Cert. No.:  FORMCHECKBOX W_hType Examination l(ueSLkXQW_h gROS0 Note: Need to fill in the Application for Type Examination if applicable.^ S/Builder T|N/5u݋/ Ow Contact/Tel No/Fax NoUSMO/Designer T|N/5u݋/ Ow Contact/Tel No/Fax Nog9N Prospective Owner9e Flag9M|/n Port of RegisterGW Type of Yacht{|+R Design CategoryGm Length.G[m Breadthn}T4lm Full-load Draft Wmm Depth(Mld.)XNXT[/ No. of Persons Permitted Onboardn}c4lϑt Full-load Displacement3ucNv9~&{STDRh_ Class Characters and Class Notations:;`(TMO0O /Gross tonnage(Approx.) 9 T/96S Ship Name/Hull No.^ T T~{reg Date of contract for construction^ RConstruction Schedule:V~[ Dwg. submitting_] Steel cutting[>e Keel Laying N4l LaunchingN9 Delivery Bl-NV9~>y~{S NR9~fNSNh9eV?e^~{S NRl[fNSybQ gsQb/geN0bNcSvsQv-NV9~>yĉ0VElQ~09eV?e^SlĉvBl We request that the following classification certificates are to be issued by China Classification Society, and the following statutory certificates & relevant technical documents are to be issued and/or approved by China Classification Society on behalf of the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly. The Survey Service Agreement for New Building Ships Service is made on the basis that we accept the relevant CCS rules and international conventions and the requirements of flag government. NRfN(uN-NVVQ*Lv8nG0 The following certificates are applied to the domestic voyage yachts in China.  FORMCHECKBOX eQ~fNb3u&CSA 9~&{Sv8nG  FORMCHECKBOX 8nG*fN FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX [te3z'`De  FORMCHECKBOX 4x13z'`De FORMCHECKBOX r^7{fN  FORMCHECKBOX 2kpc6RV FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX l(u(WeFh-NR  hƋ * N(uRS0 fvRemarks: (YRV~1uOecOe fQ[ST|Rl) Nb~{ TOSe nxw`N,g gROS-Nv͑c:yTCCSge^veQ~ĉ0eQ~ĉR-N gsQag>k SbFO NPN ;`RRv@b gag>kvQ[ v^ TacSُNag>kv~_g0 The undersigned party (the Applicant) acknowledge all the articles in the Important Notice contained herein and the relevant terms in the latest edition of Rules and Regulations of CCS, including, but not limited to, the General Part of above mentioned rules and regulations have been reviewed, and agree to be governed by those articles and terms. OSeO cĉ[/eNeQ~h9Sb[V90h9T9^:NgbLh]\O@b_v]e9TvQ[_/e0sSOdky[V0h*g1u9~>y[b bN_N Ta9hnc]ۏLv]\O ckOT-NV9~>y/eNv^v9(u0 The applicant agree to pay the fee for the specified service and, in addition, any traveling and other expenses incurred by the surveyor related to the services. In the event of this project not being completed under the Society's services, we also agree to pay on a proportion rata basis for the services provided. OSeb:NgbLhv9^cO&{TV[T/bhs:W@b(W0W;N{S_@\ĉ[v[hQb/gBlbI{Heb/ghQ v[hQhagN Sb8lENb4NevhSTe01[sX0[hQ2b0 The applicant promise to provide appropriate safety survey conditions for attending surveyors in accordance with the specified safety requirements by the authorities of the country in which the survey was conducted, including permanent or temporary survey access and facility0environment0safety protection. OSe ApplicantNh~{W[ Representative s SignatureLR Title5u݋ Tel (OSUSMOvz) Stamp of Applicant Ow Fax{0W@W E-maileN[0W@W Full address to post?ex Post codeeg date: ͑c:y OSe(WBl-NV9~>yCCS ۏLe 96[VThe cS96@b(uv,g>yeQ~ĉNSvQN gsQĉbĉR-NvhQag>k~_g0 When requesting to China Classification Society (CCS) for newbuilding ship s plan approval and survey, the applicant accepts to be bound by all the provisions as specified in the classification rules or other relevant rules or regulations of CCS applicable to the ship. (W,g>yNOSNKNl gvQNT Te ,g gROSsS:N,g>yNOSeKNvT T0(W,g>yNOSe1\Bl96vhSb[V ~{ gvQNT Tv ,g gROSTyQ[/fCCSNOSe~{v gsQT Tv~bR0,g gROSQ[N gsQT TNS(uveQ~ĉ0vQN gsQĉbĉR g NNv (W,g gROSvBlNyVQ N,g gROSQ[:NQ0 Where no any other contract is signed between CCS and the applicant, the Survey Service Agreement constitutes the contract between CCS and the applicant. Where CCS has signed any other contract with the applicant in respect of the survey of the ship (including plan approval), the contents of the Survey Service Agreement for New Building Ships Service form an integral part of the relevant contract signed between CCS and the applicant. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the contents of the Survey Service Agreement and the relevant contract, applicable classification rules, or other relevant rules and regulations, the contents of the Survey Service Agreement shall prevail, so far as the items specified in the Survey Service Agreement are concerned. OSe^ cgq,g>yvBlcO[VSh@bvV~0bJT0eN0DeNSvQNOo` v^[@bcOV~0bJT0eN0DeNSvQNOo`vw['`0Se'`T[te'`#0 The applicant shall submit to CCS plans, reports, documents, data and other information necessary for plan approval and survey in accordance with the requirements of CCS and shall be responsible for the truthfulness, timeliness and completeness of such plans, reports, documents, data and other information. YBlhv96/fl~96 ,g>y gCgNS9~>y_@b g gsQvDeeN0 If the class of the ship to be surveyed is transferred from another Classification Society, this Society is entitled to NVXZ\rzﱠq[K;hWWhCJOJPJQJo(hWWh &CJOJPJQJo(*hWWh &5CJOJPJQJnHo(tHh &5CJOJPJQJo(hWWh &5CJOJPJQJhrJh5CJOJPJQJ!h2zCJOJPJQJnHo(tH!hCCJOJPJQJnHo(tH!h &CJOJPJQJnHo(tHh &CJOJPJQJo(hWWh &CJOJPJQJhWWh &CJOJPJQJo(N . p hj$If^h`jgd<c$If^`cgdKZhj$If^h`jgdKZh$If^h`gdKZgd & $da$gd &    , :     . p r t ƵƤƍzfzLfzzfz3jh}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJUaJ'h}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJaJo($h}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJaJ-jh}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJUaJ!h &CJOJPJQJnHo(tH!hCJOJPJQJnHo(tHhWWh &CJOJPJQJh&CJOJPJQJo(hWWh &CJOJPJQJo(hCJOJPJQJo(     ( z | ~ κΧkκΧQκ3jh}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJUaJ3jh}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJUaJhWWh &OJPJQJaJ$h}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJaJ$h}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJaJ'h}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJaJo(-jh}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJUaJ3jth}Eh &CJKHOJPJQJUaJ ( z yhWF.$If^`.gdKZc$If^`cgdKZhj$If^h`jgdKZh$If^h`gdKZtkd$$Ifl0r+U"*0"4 layt< ^  ydi$IfVD2WDd^i`gd<c$If^`cgddCtkdm$$Ifl0r+U"*0"4 layt<      " ( 2 @ \ ^ էzbHb0/h}Eh<CJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH2h}Eh~c>*CJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH/h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH/h}Eh<CJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH)h2zCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH3jh}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJUaJ'h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJo($h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJ-jh}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJUaJ     , . 0 2 6 : \ ` f x ŮԚԀԚhT@T+)h2zCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH'h}EhLCJKHOJPJQJaJo('h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJo(/h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH3j!h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJUaJ'h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJo(-jh}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJUaJhWWh~cOJPJQJaJ$h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJ/h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH  \ z $Ifgd  $IfgdLc$If^`cgd($akd$$IflrU""0"4 laytdC  (6vxԼԩ~fWDW0D0D'h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJo($h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJhWWh~cOJPJQJaJ/h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH$h}Eh CJKHOJPJQJaJ/h}Eh CJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH$h}Eh;pCJKHOJPJQJaJ/h}EhLCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH$h}EhLCJKHOJPJQJaJ/h}Eh;pCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH $IfgdKZakd$$IflrU""0"4 laytdC 8Lxzv $Ifgd] $IfgdKZvkd*$$IflK0r U" ]0"4 layt&xz|~  ,4XZ`p|~ııııĝzıııd+h}Eh~cCJOJPJQJaJnHo(tHhWWh~cOJPJQJaJo($h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJ'h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJo($h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJ'h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJo(hWWh~cOJPJQJaJ/h}Eh~cCJKHOJPJQJaJnHo(tH z|~|| $IfgdKZykd$$Ifl40r U"` ]0"4 laf4yt($|||| $IfgdKZykd$$Ifl4Y0r U"  ]0"4 laf4yt&|| $IfgdKZykdC$$Ifl40r U"` ]0"4 laf4yt&|s| $IfgdS $IfgdKZykd$$Ifl40r U"  ]0"4 laf4yt& *,4VX $IfgdKZvkd$$IflK0r U" ]0"4 layt&XZ`|~bYPYYYY $Ifgd & $IfgdKZkdN $$IflK\r >U"  30"4 layt&bVVMMMM $IfgdKZ $$Ifa$gdKZkd! 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OSe^9hnc NOo`Spe@b(uv,g>yĉS9eV?e^vBllQ~0lĉI{ ۏLS_v{ v^cN[V0b^zS_v(OSO| NO96TNTv(ϑ0 The applicant shall carry out design and necessary calculations, in accordance with CCS rules and the requirements of the government of the flag State (conventions and regulations etc.) applicable to the above information, and submit them for plan approval. The applicant undertakes to establish an appropriate quality assurance system for the design quality of ships and associated marine products. ,g>yeQ~ĉ0 gsQĉbĉR[,g>yybQV~ gHe'`ZPQNĉ[ OSe(W,g gROS-NkXQvvsQOo`vSfS[CCS[ybV~v1YHe0 The validity of approved plans is stipulated in classification rules of CCS, relevant rules or regulations. The approved plans may be invalidated due to any change of relevant information given by the applicant in the Survey Service Agreemente. ,g>y cgqT TcO gR (WNUO`Q N,g>yGW N[N,g>yevcT TsQ|evNUO_c1Ybb#N0 This Society provides service(s) based on the contract, in no case shall this Society be liable for any loss of any party who has no direct contractual relations with this Society. ,g>yNN[1uNꁫu_L:N vc bv_c1Yb_c[bb#N (WNUO`Q N,g>yGW N[c_c1YbT_SDR_c1Yb_c[bb#N0 This Society will be liable only for the loss or damage resulting directly from its negligence act. In no event shall this Society be liable for any indirect contractual or consequential losses or damages. Y~fT TsQ|e@bmSv_c1Yb_c[/f1uN,g>yb,g>yǖXT0NtNb,g>yvQNNhevu_L:N bv ,g>y\bb#N v^\ cgqeQ~ĉ0eQ~ĉRvĉ[/eNTP0FOY_c1Yb_c[|1uY NL:N@b b,g>y\ NbbNUO#N 1 ,g>yǖXTvQSǖCgPvL:N 2 ,g>yvNtNbvQNNhe,g>y[vQfNbcCgVvL:N0 This Society will be liable for the loss or damage due to negligence act provided attribute to this Society or its employees, agents or other parties acting on behalf of this Society. And in no case shall the amount of this liability exceed the limitation value specified in the relevant rules and regulations by CCS. This Society s liability for the loss or damage is specially excluded when such loss or damage arises out of an act: by an employee of this Society acting outside the terms or scope of his/her employment; or 2 by any agent or other party acting on behalf of this Society, when such act exceeds the authority granted in writing by this Society to such agent or party. ,g gROS(u-NNSNlqQTVl_0dN,g>yS g~[Y QV,g>yeQ~ gR gsQvNUON GW^cN-NVwmNNYXTO cgq gROSNeOsL gHevNĉRۏLN0NQ/f~@\v [SeGW g~_gR0 The laws of the People s Republic of China shall apply to the Survey Service Agreement . Unless otherwise agreed with CCS, any dispute of whatsoever nature in respect to the classification service provided by CCS shall be referred to China Maritime Arbitration Commission and arbitrated in accordance with its arbitration rules effective at the time of request for arbitration. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both interested parties. 110,g>y cgqT TcO gR NOSe~{rh gROSDN0 This Society provides service(s) based on the contract and signs the appendix of Survey Service Agreement for New Building Ship s Service with the applicant. :g5uYiQhDESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTS 勅Q[:N,g>ySDe 'YROSRThis form is for information only and without prejudice. Your Cooperation in completing it would be appreciated qQ2utotal pages 2 1. cۏ:ghPROPULSION MACHINERY t|peϑNumber of Shaft Lines;N:gW_TpeϑType & number of M.E;N:g6R S Manufacturer of M.E.;N:g[RsTl Rated Power & Speed of M.E. kW( BHP); r/minOcňn Bow Thrust Unit FORMCHECKBOX  gYes  FORMCHECKBOX eNoQňn Gear Cases FORMCHECKBOX  gYes  FORMCHECKBOX eNoehh6R S Manufacturer of Propellerehh{|W Type of Propeller2. S5u:g~GENERATOR SETS :gW_Tpeϑ No. & Type of Aux. Engine[RsTl Rated Power & Speed kW( BHP); r/min6R S ManufacturerS5u:gW_ Type of GeneratorRs Power kW(KVA)^%`S5u:gW_ Type of Emergency GeneratorRs Power kW(KVA)t&^S5u:gShaft-driven Generator FORMCHECKBOX  gYes  FORMCHECKBOX eNoRs Power kW(KVA)3. 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